First Off...

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Wouldn't it be just so perfect when you have someone who just clicks with you? Someone who just understands you and never questions your choices? Someone who has the similar likes and dislikes as you? Someone who makes you feel like you guys are just meant to be BFFs?

You would think it's too much to ask, but believe it or not, I did have that someone and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel lucky. I could totally relate to this someone in everything: music, books, food, clothes, movies... yeah, everything. Even decisions!

Meet my twin sister, Steph, for Stephanie Evans. Our names may be a little different, or more like not related at all, but we were exactly, and I mean EXACTLY, the same. It was sometimes as if we could read each other's minds and some people actually thought we had some telepathic connections no matter how many times we tell them that we don't. We seriously don't.

But despite all the perfections, our similarities created a problem we'd always tried to ignore. And we thought that one problem was the only problem we were ever going to face. But of course, we were wrong...


This was just the intro, the chapters will be much longer :)
Tell me what you think ^-^

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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