
50 5 5

London , 3418AD

"I'm sorry Mr. Bancroft, but there is nothing anyone can do."

"....I understand...*sigh* long?"

"Six weeks"

one week later

His shoes where waterlogged. Typical, thought Felix, it always rains when something tragic happens. Strangely enough he wasnt sad or depressed about his new situation, and this confused him. In fact if anything he realised he was happy. he had a valid excuse to do anything he pleased.

It wasn't until he opened the door to his excessively large house, that he asked himself the question: what will I do with the rest of my month and a half of life?

He took his shoes and jacket of threw them on the floor, walked into the living room, waved at the TV which immediately turned on to what was his most watched channel: the news.


That was his response to hearing that a fifth bank had been robbed within two days.

That was also when it hit him. He had found something to do, something to aspire to.

"I'm going to rob a bank!"

He shot up, ran towards the study. He already had a plan.

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