chapter 1- A diner in hell.

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A Diner in hell.

Outside it stormed. It was one of those storms that you get maybe once a year, twice if you're unlucky. One that raged and lasted far too long for comfort. It sounded like the storm was fighting itself for survival and it was losing. The diner lights pierced the dark storm outside like a beacon on a lighthouse. The neon sign outside read Truck Stop Diner. A small diner from another time that had withstood change. It stood on the side of a long empty highway in the middle of nowhere, where a traveler could stop for something to eat on a long trip. The only people in the Diner were a strange young man scribbling in a leather-bound journal and a waitress behind the grill. The waitress a middle aged woman who looked like she had worked at the diner her whole life had graying blonde hair, was of average height, and was a little rounder from eating diner food constantly. She was grilling a hamburger in the kitchen and could be clearly seen through the window by the strange young man. when he finally finished writing in his journal he then proceeded to tuck it carefully into a pocket on the inside of his coat. The waitress kept glancing at him through the window, making him anxious; he didn't like it when people noticed him much less when they kept looking as though memorizing what he looked like. He dressed to avoid being describable. He wore a long trench coat over a fading blue t shirt with some battered blue jeans and worn down sneakers. He Looked down at the counter where he sat pulling his hat down over his face to keep the waitress from getting any good detail on how he looked. He sat where he could see the door to the diner and kept looking at it impatiently. He looked over to see the tv hanging on the wall, the sole piece of modern technology in the entire diner.

The tv was muted but the subtitles were on so he could read what was being said. It was set on the news the woman reporting was black haired and had a trustable face. She was also the main reporter covering the activities of the empowered and the constant search for the mysterious Runner. Another day of silence and the whole world seems to be holding its breath waiting for someone to strike next. The empowered seem to be holding back any plans to attack and reignite the fighting in the war. We only know that the entire world on both sides seem to be waiting for the Runner to be found and for him to join a side in the fighting. It has been one year since the fighting began and tomorrow marks the end of the anniversary of the third week of June when the empowered emerged and tragedy struck us all. Our prayers go out to those who lost loved ones and those with people still on the front lines. With the six o clock news this is Ann Newman signing off. As the reporter finished her piece the stranger looked down at the counter. He took a moment to slow his breathing. When had it started speeding up? He asked himself even though he knew the answer. When she mentioned the third week of June. As he calmed his breathing the waitress came over to him carrying a basket with the burger and fries he had ordered.

"Are you all right hon?" She asked casting him a nervous glance. When he didn't respond for a minute she backed up a few steps. He grabbed the food and pulled it closer to him. He glanced at a watch on his right wrist as he began eating his fries one by one. The waitress hadn't moved from where she had been standing and she looked at the stranger while making fists in her apron nervously. The strange young man glanced up at her beginning to grow nervous that she knew who he was. Just as he was ready to jump out of his seat and run out into the storm if he needed to she asked him something he hadn't expected at all.

"Do you know anything about how we're doing out in Africa?" she blurted out all of sudden.

Of course that's why she's nervous; she thinks I'm on leave and might know something about.... Africa? Poor woman. He was probably dead if he was on the coastal patrol. Not wanting to be the bearer of bad news he gave her a short "No." That didn't seem to help her nervous fidgeting at all. She looked close to breaking down. God. I hate it when people are about to cry it makes me as sad as them..... And it doesn't help my guilt either. The woman opened her mouth as though to speak again and quickly closed it. She took a moment to compose herself before speaking again.

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