Chapter 6- Rotten luck

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Rotten luck

"Did you really think we wouldn't have cameras set up around the base?" Shade said wearing her victorious smile on her face as she gloated at the Runner.

"In all honesty I figured you did have them, but thought you'd be too busy to check them thoroughly. Guess that's my bad." The Runner moved and sat on the small cot bolted to the floor in his section of the glass where he could face Shade. He took in details he had missed from their first encounter. Her eyes were a piercing blue that the propaganda posters of her didn't do justice to.

"I really can't believe that you just walked in here right into this room on this plane of all places. I figured you'd be long gone by now." Shade kept her eyes on him slowly analyzing ever detail she could soak up. From his battered sneakers and burnt trench coat to the pale blue shirt and camo pants he was wearing.

The Runner tried to hide his discomfort in being so clearly visible to her and everyone else in the room with her. If they weren't clear on how he looked before there could be no doubt they would have plenty of pictures to choose from by now. Stupid. Stupid. Of course they had cameras!

"So since we didn't get to finish our nice chat last time how about we pick up where we left off." Shade said. "What. Is. Your. Name?" Shade said stopping between each word so her question couldn't be misinterpreted.

"Have you not figured it out by now?" The Runner replied tilting his head at her a little.

"We do have some DNA from the hat you left behind but nothing to compare it to. No name in the system." Shade said growing frustrated. "So answer the question."

The Runner grinned happily to find out they couldn't drag out his old name from his DNA. He wasn't sure exactly how since he was sure it had been cataloged. He had a minor issue with authority before the war that landed him in a jail cell until his parent came and got him.

"My dear Shade. How utterly frustrating this must be for you. To have the answers right in front of you and being unable to see them." The Runner said putting on his own smile as Shades turned into a frown.

"You owe me an answer. So tell me or else." Shade said standing and moving in front of the door to his glass cell.

"It's true we did have a deal for an answer back in the diner, but you had leverage then and I feel I answered your question to the best of my abilities." The Runner shook his head at her almost sympathetically.

"Leverage? You mean something like this?" Shade pulled out something she had been hiding in black military jacket.

It was a leather bound book with a little strap holding it shut and a worn edges showing how much it was used.

The Runner jumped off his seat and was standing in front of Shade so quickly all of the guards around the cell jumped and pointed their weapons at him. Meanwhile Shade never moved.

The Runner glared at the book she held casually in one hand. He patted the chest pocket at the front of coat and found it empty. He met Shades gaze and gave her a hate filled glare. She flinched a little before regaining her composure.

"Maybe this will give me some answers." Shade turned her back to him and sat down on the bench that lined the walls of the room with the soldiers giving her a wide berth. She undid the strap keeping the book closed and slowly pulled back its cover.


Shade glanced up at the Runner who met her gaze before glancing around his glass cell. It looked solid no cracks or hinges even the door looked air tight. Something about it bothered him. Then he realized it. No cracks. No air holes. Yet he was breathing fine. He turned back to meet shades gaze as she toyed with him pulling back the cover of the book a little further while still looking at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2016 ⏰

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