The Dark Alleyway

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Mark's POV

I set a destination point on my phone to where the signal is on Jacks phone. It was damn far from home. He must be shitting himself right now. I have been driving for 30 minutes now. My phone says I should be at my destination in 30 more minutes. I wanted to speed up to hurry the ride but I wouldn't want be pulled over. I try distracting myself with the radio. I failed. I couldn't keep my mind off Jack and what she could be doing to him. I never liked Signe. She always looked at me angrily whenever Jack and I went to conventions with her.  I mean she kick poor Jack out of his fricken house, and now she wants him back. Hell no. Jack is my precious baby and I will not let her hurt him. All this thinking has passed lots of time and before I knew it I was parked in a dark alleyway. I got out my car and thought to myself 'why the fuck would she bring him here?' I grabbed my hand gun and knife. I wasn't planning on using the gun, u just wanted to look cool. But I needed a weapon so I have my trusty knife. I walk around looking everywhere for about 10 minutes. My phone keeps going bazerk at this on door so I try opening it. I push it open at easy as any other door would open. I turn my phones flash light on and look around. The walls had a few blood stains. I felt as if on of the FNAF characters would soon pop out on me. I turned a corner and heard a scream. I jumped. Now hurrying my pace I walk some stairs. The screams are louder. I walk down this hall way and see a door with lights shining through the bottom. I run to it and push the door open. "JACK?!" I shouted. He was strapped on a table and Signe was holding a small knife in her hand. "Well, well, well, look who came back for their baby?" Signe said looking down. I pulled out my gun. "Leave Jack alone." I said clenching my teeth. She stabbed the knife into his thigh. He let out a sharp scream. I wanted to shoot her so badly but I couldn't. I ran into her jabbing my knife into her side. I unstrap Jack and get him up. Signe was on the ground. I hit her pretty hard. I then called the cops and an ambulance. I carried Jack out of this horror show and waited out side. I placed Jack in the car then barricaded the door so Signe couldn't get out of she tried. Jack had fell asleep by the time the cops and ambulance arrived. I told the cops where to go then got in my car and followed the ambulance to the hospital.

Authors Note

Sorry for a long wait in this but I have been going through way too much shit right now. I'm half its spring break right now. There will be more updates probably after school ends. I try to update when I can to I hope you all like this chapter. It focuses a lot on Mark again sorry. I'll make sure Jack gets a lot of attention the next few chapter love you all❤️
🐱~~ Kitty~~🐱

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