Chapter 2

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Pulling into the school parking lot I hopped out of the car headed for my locker. Sure I'm popular but I don't care to hang out and gossip like Hannah like to but we are still friends. I thought she'd be really stuck up and crap but she's really nice for cheerleading captain and all but right now neither of us can wait to be officially step sisterssss!

I was about to shut my locker and head to class when two strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist and pulled me close to the warm body that I knew was Alaricks.

"Good morning" he whispered I my ear before turning me around in his arms and pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

Laughing lightly I leaned up against him on my tippy toes and kissed him.

"Good morning to you too then." I said and turned back to my locker grabbing my math binder and shutting it as he walked away to go hang out with his friends.

Hes been such a jerk latly like I don't understand.... I thought he was just having a bad couple weeks but he says theres nothing wrong but frankly im kinda getting sick of all this crap.

I mean like really what is his problem? What ever I'll deal with him later as for now where did Han go? I looked around scanning the area to look for her. I spotted her after a minute with her cheerleader friends who are okay but I don't care for most of them. I walked up and joined their little circle earning a few nasty looks from some.

"HEY!!" Hannah shrieked in my ear.

Laughing I pulled slightly away from her. "Well hello to you to! We were just together like 20 minutes ago!"

 "Stillllll" Hannah said before joining me in a fit of giggles.


"SHIT WARNING BELL!" Hannah and I said looking at each other and sprinting towards are advanced calculus class.

After an interesting lunch period and many boring classes latter...........

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2013 ⏰

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