Reflection 2: Game of tag within the bamboo forest

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"Oh~," the caretaker said as she looked in every nook and cranny within the orphanage she could think of for Yon to hide in. "Where in the world could she be?"

"Miss Caretaker, what are you looking for?" a little girl asked as the caretaker looked underneath a bed.

"Not what, dear, who." the caretaker said, getting to her feet.

"If you're looking for Yon, she's in the bamboo forest." the little girl said, pointing towards a direction.

"Not again!" the caretaker exclaimed, crying a little. "That's the fifth time this month she's gone and went to play with those animals!"

"Oh! By the way, Miss Caretaker, the people to see Yon are here!" the girl said happily before walking away to reveal the Exorcists.

"Please forgive me!" the caretaker exclaimed, getting on her hands and knees and bowed to them as they entered.

"For what exactly?" Allen asked, extending a hand towards her.

"I let Yon escape from here!" the caretaker cried like a child, grabbing Allen's hand and helped herself off the ground.

"How in the world could you lose track of a child?" Kanda asked, irritated.

"You talk as if she was ten years younger than you," the caretaker said, looking towards Kanda while sniffling, "when she's only seventeen."

"She's that old and still living in a place like this? No offense." Lavi asked, trying not to be rude.

"No, it's alright," the caretaker said, sitting down on the bed. "I can actually understand completely."

"So, where is Miss Yon anyway?" Lenalee asked, sitting next to the caretaker.

"Most likely within the bamboo forest near here." the caretaker said, looking at Lenalee.

"Then, shall we go look for her?" Lavi said, walking towards the door.

"Wait, right now?!" Allen exclaimed as he watched Lavi leave the room.

"Of course now!" Lavi said over his shoulder. "She'll be expecting us if we go later!"

"He's going to be in pain," the caretaker muttered, earning a lot of looks from the remaining Exorcists.

"What do you mean by that?" Allen asked, worried.

"Yon has a, um, certain way of making friends." she said, looking away from everyone.

"Like bribing them?" Lenalee asked.

"Uh, no," the caretaker said nervously. "Her friends are not really into money at all."

"Then what?" Lenalee asked as everyone drew closer to the caretaker.

"Miss Yon Kaida," Lavi exclaimed as he walked around the bamboo forest. "Where are you?"

"Who are you?" a voice said from behind him.

Lavi quickly turned around and saw Yon standing with her arms crossed. A little mini panda was standing on her shoulder, copying her with a small bamboo stalk on his back. Yon gave Lavi a glare with the panda doing the same.

"My name's Lavi!" Lavi said with a cheeky grin. "Nice to meet you, Yon!"

"What do you want?" Yon asked sternly as the panda made a little "po" sound.

"I'm here to see that sword of yours," Lavi said. "You see, it may have a thing called "Innocence" in it and it's my job to take it back to the Black Order-" He was quickly cut off by Yon kicking him in the face.

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