Chapter 2

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Demi POV

I end the phone call with my mom, pulling into the driveway to the house that the social worker explained to me. It was a simple two story house, with off-white wall panels, and a stone walkway to the front door. This seems like a really good environment to foster a child. 

Walking along the stone path, I flatten out my maroon dress, and take a deep breath. This could be the child for me. You see, I've been to see many other orphans, but they were snobby towards the other children. After they realize who I am, they pretend to be some innocent child. I have a feeling Elizabeth will be the one that clicks with me. I went over her file with her social worker and she seems like a sweet kid. Her social worker, Erica? Was that her name? Anyways, she told me a little about Elizabeth, that she likes to paint and do crafts, and that she is very shy, but she eventually comes out of her shell a little. 

I knock on the door, and I'm greeted by a little boy, he looks the age of about 5 or 6. 

"Hi there, I'm here to see Sarah Edwards, may I come in?" I say politely.

He gives me a cheeky grin, nods, and opens the door more so I can enter the house. As I walk in, I see the backs of two little kids, a small one, and a bigger one, watching cartoons. The little boy runs and joins them, and I here a cheery voice speak up from the left of the living room. 

"Hello! You must be Demi! I'm Sarah, the foster parent, come! Help me set the table for dinner" She says nicely. 

"Yeah that's me, what's on the menu for tonight?" I ask playfully, setting down forks and knives.

"Well, we have salad, pork chops, and peaches. For dessert we have some homemade cherry pie!" She says, wow, she is very enthusiastic, no wonder she is a foster mom. 

"Sounds great" I say with a smile. She sets down the last of the plates, and calls for the kids.

"Noah! Alexis! Lizzy! Come eat and meet our guest!" I hear the sounds of little feet on the hardwood floors, and three kids enter the dining room. A boy that I greeted earlier, with light brown hair and green/blue eyes, and a girl that looks alike to him, but with more gray-ish eyes. Then a smaller girl who looks 3 or so comes in, the girl I'm interested in adopting. She has brown hair, and brown eyes, just like me. 

"Hey kids, this is Demi. Demi, those are the twins, Alexis and Noah, and then little Lizzy." She earns a soft giggle from Elizabeth.

"Hello Ms. Demi!" The one named Alexis says. Noah and Elizabeth both mutter a quiet 'hi'

"Hi guys, let's eat I'm starving!" I say happily. 

Sarah cuts up Elizabeth's pork chop, and we all eat. I occasionally sneak glances at Elizabeth, admiring how cute she is. After a few moments of just eating, Sarah speaks up.

"Hey Liz, tell Demi what we did today."

She looks at me a little sheepishly, so I give her a soft smile hoping that it will encourage her to talk. She grins back and speaks, "We went to the park, and played all day. We got to use the swings, and play on the monkey bars, and ride the springy animals. It was fun!" She started off a little timid, but she got more excited as she talked about the park. It was so cute.

"That sounds so fun! I wish I was there to play on the monkey bars and swing!" I say cheerily. The kids giggle, earning a chuckle from Sarah. They must not recognize me, and I guess that's a good thing. We continue eating, talking about what the kids like to do for fun, and what cartoons they like, and making a few jokes about Looney Tunes. Everyone soon clears their plates, and we start to pass out slices of pie.

We all dig in to the pie, and I compliment Sarah, looking up to see Elizabeth with cherry custard all over her face. I can't help but chuckle at her, and it gets her attention. "What? Do I have something on my face?" She says curiously, then starts trying to lick whatever is on her face off. We all break in to fits of laughter at the sight. She soon gives up, and Sarah wipes her face with a napkin.

The kids go to the living room to color, and watch some more cartoons, as I help Sarah clear the table. "Elizabeth seems to really enjoy you, what do you think about her?" She asks adamantly.

"I think that I am going to make a few calls, and see when I can take her home." I say with a wide grin.

She smiles, and I say my goodbyes to her and the kids. I drive home thinking about Elizabeth, and how she would fit in with my lifestyle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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