Name: Felicitas Logan Roth.
Age: 17 years.
Personality: very confident, very funny, sarcastic, tends to be focused, serious, hyper but she says it's rare, hothead and stubborn.
Mutant or not: half human/shapeshifter half demon.
Human form: short black hair, violet eyes, pale demoniac skin, tall, skinny, tomboy, she wears a light blue shirt with a leather jacket on top, a black skirt, black sneakes, black fingerless gloves, a golden necklace with a red daimond on it, her other outfit that change when she is in super heroe outfit is a dark blue leotard, a blue cloak, black middle high heels and on her forehead appears a chakra.
Demon form: same short black hair, same chakra, but have 4 red demoniac eyes, her same super heroe outfit the dark blue leotard, the blue cloak and the black middle high heels.
Power: Unique physiology, healing, enhanced empathy, force field constricts, telekinesis, telepathy, soul-self aura, darkness manipulation, flight, portal creation and shapeshifting into any animal on earth or that she knows.
Other: she is Raven and Beast Boy only daughter, she was raped by her ex-boyfriend Jason so she has a kid named Andrew.
Crush: Swift.