I was never one for human bodies.

Honestly, they are so annoying. You have to bathe them, dress them, make them act a certain way, get enough hours of sleep, and don't get me started on how often you need to feed them. Very complicated with their physical bodies; I haven't the faintest idea of why I wanted to get one.

The one I have now isn't too bad I suppose, could have done better but I'm not that picky. I'm a tallish male, brown hair, green eyes, and a pretty good shape (if I say so myself). The human that was occupying this body before me was very keen on going to the gym. Since I'm inhabiting this vessel for now, it'll stay like this until I am no longer in it. They are as weird as they are complex. It was simpler as a being of pure energy that can change their shape as they please, but the environment wasn't pleasant.

There's a civil war going on in "heaven" at the moment that I would rather not be a part of. Not exactly sure how it started but it's gotten pretty violent. I chose to leave and deal with a stupid human body while they "talk" it out. I'm not one for fighting for no reason in particular, since there are different ideas that are clashing. I am a simple "angel"; I enjoy the things that make me happy, I have the idea that others can love who they love, and that you just need to be nice to others.

There are quotations around angel because I am not actually sure what we are. Yeah we have wings (that cannot be seen unless you want them to) and we live in "heaven", but we were around before Christianity came into existence. When that religion was born, we were suddenly worshiped by the thousands. This was one of the reasons why us "angels" had gotten so arrogant around humans; we were praised and seen as a higher power. I'm not saying that humans are better than us (since we are pretty powerful compared to them) but a human is more powerful than a flower compared to us. A flower doesn't worship a human and believe them a higher power.

So, answer me this, why are we worshiped?

I honestly don't believe that we "angels" are that significantly better than the humans. Perhaps this is why I didn't have much friendships with the others. We make mistakes the same as humans and we have our own "sins" that we give into. Everyone has made a mistake before and everyone has done something they are not proud of. This thinking is one of the many reasons that I do not like to get in the debates in heaven considering that I am very, let's say, unique. As far as I know I am the only one that thinks like this.

It's much more smooth pretending that I am a human in the 21st century since they have finally become open-minded. I can walk around expressing my opinions if I chose and be given little to no scorn. The angels really need to learn how to as tolerant as some humans.   

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