Vincent POV

          There hasn't been anything new in a couple of days. Being a waiter, all the different faces tend to blend together at some point. I remember in the beginning when I thought that I needed to recognize all the faces that came into the shop. I later learned that I only needed to do that with the regulars (it was stressful before that).

          Anyway, back to the coffee shop.

          I almost didn't come in for work today because last night I was having a hard time sleeping. Not really sure why because I think that I adapted pretty well to my human body. It was strange for the first couple of months on earth. These bodies need so much work. Not to mention that they are pretty gross. Do you know how often you need to go to the bathroom? Plus the sleeping schedules are so weird and nights are long. There are 24 hours in a day (so I've been told) and lot of them are spent doing useless things like eating and sleeping.

          However, I do admit sleeping has it's moments.

          Mainly that part where there isn't expected of me except to be laying down for hours on end. Except for last night because my body thought it was a good idea to be up for no reason. It was too hot, then too cold, and the pillow was uncomfortable. I am not even sure anymore, but it has affected my mood. So, it hasn't been the best morning. However, I blocked that out when I had gotten to the shop. This worked pretty well with improving my mood (as well as ignoring my problems could help).

         That was, until I looked outside and seen Daniel.

          Daniel, who I had a hard time getting out of my head.

          The same human who I am pretty sure I despised because he wouldn't leave me alone (in my head). Walking towards the shop with his arm around this women. Well, there goes any self esteem that I thought I had.

          Who am I kidding?

          It doesn't effect me at all. Yeah. I'm so unaffected by this because it doesn't matter that an attractive human is already in a relationship.

          "Umm, waiter? That's plenty of coffee," Someone besides me stated.

          I look over towards the voice, and then I look down. Coffee is overflowing in the man's cup.

          "Oh, I am so sorry sir," I say quickly getting some napkins and a washcloth.

           "It's alright, you looked distracted there," He says.

          "I suppose I was," I say wiping up my mess.

          "Hmm, maybe you need a different distraction?" The customer says.


          "Well, from what I can tell," The man says, looking towards Daniel. "You're smitten by someone that already has a girlfriend."

          I stop cleaning and look at him. I suppose I have a face because suddenly he smirks.

          "Spot on with my observation,"

          "I don't know what you're talking about, sir" I say, finally done cleaning. "But, I will get you a new drink."

         "Not necessary," He says, while standing. "Names Finn by the way."

          Putting on his coat and walking towards the counter, he pays then leaves a tip. As he passes me, on the way to the door, he tucks something into the breast pocket of my button up. I reach up and pluck the paper from my pocket, still watching him leave. I open it up and look down.

          Whenever you're done looking at your distraction, call me. -Finn

          When did he have the time to write this?

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