Drama 3:/

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Justin: (wakes up and goes downstairs)
Mikkie: (see's Justin) Hey
Justin: Hey
Mikkie: So Ryan told me what happened
Justin: (nods) Yeah
Mikkie: (looks at him) I never thought Lexi would do something like that
Justin: (sighs) Yeah I never thought she'd do something like that but I guess she did (looks at her) Im gonna go
Mikkie: Okay bye 
Justin: (walks out and grabs his keys and drives home)
Lexi: (hears Justin's car and bites her lip not knowing what to expect)
Justin: (walks in and walks straight past her)
Lexi: (gets up and follows him) Justin
Justin: (looks at her) What?
Lexi: (can see the look of hurt in his eyes) Im sorry please just let me explain
Justin: What? Explain how you practically cheated on me and fucked some guy
Lexi: Justin its not like that
Justin: How?! Explain
Lexi: Can we go talk in the loungeroom
Justin: Mm (walks into the loungeroom and sits on the couch with her)
Lexi: (sits on the couch and looks at him) When I was away on the modelling holiday we had this night when we could do whatever we wanted. So me and the girls went to this huge as party and we started off drinking then it turned into doing shots and I was completely drunk and had no idea what I was doing (looks at him)
Justin: (bites his lip knowing what she'll say and tries his hardest not to cry)
Lexi: Then in the morning I woke up in a guys bed (bites her lip trying not to cry) I didn't mean to...justin I swear...I was drunk
Justin: (looks at her not knowing what to say and has tears in his eyes) 
Lexi: Justin?
Justin: (looks at her hurt) How do you expect me to forgive you for fucking some guy...do you remember on the night we got married we were talking and you said you'd NEVER cheat.Well you just did
Lexi: (on the verge of tears) Please Justin..you don't know how sorry I am
Justin: No...I think I'll just stay in the guest room for tonight and I don't want to talk to you (walks off and slams the door and punches the mirror causing it to smash)
Lexi: (goes running upstairs and knocks on the door) Justin
Justin: (see's his hand is bleeding real bad and has glass in it) Lexi just go away
Lexi: (worried) What was that noise
Justin: Nothing now fuck of!
Lexi: (bites her lip and walks into hers and justins room and sits on the bed)
Justin: (grabs a cloth and puts it over his hand) Fuck fuck fuck! (starts crying)

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