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Taelien4life online

Iamyour_hope online

Pinkymario online

Jk_GoldenMaknae online

Chimchim_jk online

BTSLeader912 online

Swag4lyfe online

Jk_GoldenMaknae: Hello everybadehhh!!! my name is Jeon Jungkook! Pleaseu intro yourselfeu!

Iamyour_hope: helloeuuuu!!! My name iseu Jung Ho Seok justseu colling me jhope!!!

BTSLeader912: hoii jhope ape ke teruk sangat speaking kau ni? Kau speaking balah mane ni? Klau x reti jgn ckp  ̄﹏ ̄ ̄︿ ̄

Iamyour_hope: hey!!! Liker my hearteu lah!-O- why you like to buzy badehh???e_e

BTSLeader912: lantak kau. Lh jhope aq just nk betol kn je.. !!!

BTSLeader912 offline

Iamyour_hope: oh my god my hearteu is my hearteu is ohmygod!~~

Jk_GoldenMaknae: hyung! Why you so gedik right now?e_e

Iamyour_hope: whut! Did your say?!>o<

Jk_GoldenMaknae: i say you so gedik!-_-#

Swag4lyfe: ape korang borak ni??

Jk_GoldenMaknae: speaking hyung..

Swag4lyfe: do you want me to speaking??﹋o﹋

Iamyour_hope: i not finishesu with you jungkookie!! ̄ˍ ̄

Jk_GoldenMaknae: stop jhope hyung.! Yes suga hyung →_→

Iamyour_hope: humpp!!╰_╯

Iamyour_hope offline

Jk_GoldenMaknae: stupid guy! ̄ε  ̄

Pinkymario: hey! Kookie! Don't say like that jhope is your hyung please repect him= ̄ω ̄=

Swag4lyfe: really you want me to speaking kookie??

Jk_GoldenMaknae: okay jin hyung •﹏•
:yes Min Yoongi hyung!  ̄︿ ̄

Swag4lyfe: okay read this....






: swag ≧﹏≦

Jk_GoldenMaknae: hyung? Are you kidding me?

Swag4lyfe: not that my speaking (^O^)

Taelien4life: gahahahahah gelak sikit..>3<

Chimchim_jk: hahahahaha #ketawapaksa

Taelien4life: dh lh jimin jom teman aq g kedai beli aiskrim..

Chimchim_jk: okay jom..

Taelien4life offline

Chimchim_jk offline

Jk_GoldenMaknae: hyung nk ikut!!!

Jk_GoldenMaknae offline

Swag4lyfe: aik? Dh off dh bru aq nk speaking lagi •﹏•

Pinkymario: x payah nk speaking sgt lh gule.. meluat aq.. dh tolong aq g kedai beli barang..

Swag4lyfe: aq penat lh aq nk tido kau suruh lh spe2 kn Tae ngn jimin g kedai tu g lh suruh dy.. bye!!!!

Swag4lyfe offline

Pinkymario: eh x gune punye mayat hidup..-_- x pe aq beli barang gune online je lh senang... huh mlm kang kau jgn makan.. !

Pinkymario offline


Siap pun! Hahahaha mian part ni pun bosan.. •﹏• masih mencari idea hahahah cerita ni tak ade kene mengne yg hidup or mati..




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