chapter one

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When I saw you the first thought that ran though my mind is dang i hope this man will be my forever I , loved you since the first moment you walked into my life. I had hoped for the best for you and everything goes the way you planed, i hoped that I was apart of that plan. The bad thing about that way i had already new that I was not going to apart of it but that was okay with me, just as long as  you where in my life i didn't care what you were but i knew for a fact that i just needed you in my life. 

The first time we talked it was like we already new each other. We have the same things in common and  we where like the same person. We could talk to each other for hours and one night we talked all night and we even fell asleep on the phone together, we thought we were the best of friends. We woke up on the phone together at the same time and we just though it was the cutest thing ever.

The morning when we got off the phone i looked at my text messages and there was a message on there from you asking me to be your girlfriend, and with me liking you since the first second i saw you i said yes and turned over my phone and went back to bed. A few hours past and i woke up with a smile on my face thinking about you, thinking everything was fine and like couldn't get any better than this.  

Two days had passed, we talked everyday at school, we where the perfect couple. On the third day I walked into school and seen you kiss another girl you didn't know I was there, you asked my best friend where I was and she told you that I was outside of the school by the pole.You came up to me and seen the tears in my eyes and asked me what was wrong, I stood there and said" why don't you tell me", you said "you seen that didn't you?" I walked away from you and cried and you followed me, I told you to stay away from me and I can't be with someone that lied to me. I went to the bathroom and tried to fix my makeup and i looked in the mirror and thought to myself Lacey Cady why are you fixing your makeup when you know that you are just going to cry it all off again anyway there's no point and walk out of the bathroom look bad but i didn't care. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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