Chapter 6

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"Ow..." I groaned while sitting up, rubbing the back of my head that had met the floor.

"Rose? Are you alright?" My mother's honey-like voice rang throughout the house, footsteps making their way upstairs before stopping after only a few steps.

"Yeah mom, I'm fine. I just fell out of bed." I stood slowly, using the bed beside me for support, as to not get a dizzy spell.

"Okay, well breakfast is ready." She still sounded worried, but a soft tap tap announced someone at the front door. Her footsteps dispersed back down the few steps she had walked up, more than likely to answer the door and invite whoever it was in.

The rising sun shone gently past the sliver of curtains that didn't meet its partner, the sliver turned into a full view of the window as I pulled the curtains further apart and just stood there to bask in the warmth of the sun's glow.

An abrupt knock on the other side of my door caused me to jump. "Rose? You in there?" The deep voice seemed groggy, as if the owner had just woken up.

It took me a few minutes to match the voice to its owner, the man who had been knocked out the night before after having kissed me and being named Beta. Eric.

Rushing to the door, I threw it open and gave him a tight hug. "Oh thank the Moon! You're alright!"

He stood stock still for what seemed forever before hugging back, "Yeah just a little sore 'round the jaw. Look, uh, if that was too much yesterday I'm really sorry. But since I started hanging out with your brother the last few years, I started seeing why your friends and family loved you so much... I guess I started liking you in that time..."

I pulled back to arms length, cheeks warm from the confession. "No no don't be sorry, I was surprised that's all."

He started smiling but winced, now noticing the nice purple and blue bruise along his jaw. I gently placed my hand on his cheek and he leaned into it, closing his eyes for a brief second.

"Do you wanna hang out later? I mean if you're not busy." His eyes opened back up to look down at me, those puppy brown eyes full of hope.

A smile tugged the corners of my lips upwards, "Sure, how about at lunch? Since you and my father probably have work to do."

He stepped back into the hall, his head turning to the right while a frown presented itself upon his lips, "Shit. I forgot about that." He ran a hand through his short, shaggy hair while looking back to me. "Yeah lunch sounds good." Eric stepped back to where he had been when he hugged me, pecking my cheek before practically running to father's office down the hall.

I closed the door slowly before walking over to my dresser, opening a drawer and grabbing a light pink tank-top and blue-jean shorts. Once I had changed into them, I walked downstairs and to the kitchen that was filled with the aroma of bacon. "Mornin mother, what's for breakfast today?"

I took a seat at the island, watching her as she turned around and placed two plates on the table with food. "Pancakes and bacon. What did Eric want?"

I grabbed some bacon immediately, eating it while buttering the two pancakes that were on my plate. "Oh, he just wanted to know if I was okay after yesterday. And asked if I wanted to hang out later."

My mom moved around the island, pulling me into a side hug with a grin, "That's great Rose! Do you think he's your mate?"

For what seemed like the millionth time these past few days, my cheeks warmed up. I shrugged nonchalantly, then started digging into my pancakes after covering them in syrup.

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