don't worry said nurse Ames it is just a thermometer amelia bedelia will you tell me the temperaturein three minutes i don't have a watch said
amelia bedelia look out the window said nurse Ames the bank across the street the had a big clock brrrrring Amelia bedelia was busier than ever
she answered call after call after call i hear a ringing in my cars a ringing maybe you should answer the doorbell my nose hurts on the bridge
well get off the bridge iv caught some kind of bug i hope you let it go bugs can bite oh amelia bedelia said nurse Ames don't forget about the
temperature amelia bedelia ran to the window it says ninety-eight degrees. fine said nurse Ames ninety eight is normal yes said amelia bedelia
that is normal for August for August said nurse Ames don't you mean for April finally April smiled a boy came into the office excuse me he said
i am here for a test then you must be lost said amelia bedelia you have to go to school to take a test. i am here for a blood test said the boy blood
test asked amellia bedelia what kind of crazy test is that true or false i wish it were said the boy well said amelia bedelia lets give it a try true
he said of course i have blood then you pass said amelia bedelia what if i didnt have blood asked the boy then you would pass out said
amelia bedelia. hi Andy said nurse ames we need to draw your blood amelia bedelia pease take Andy to the examination room look at all
this blank paper said amelia bedelia Andy why don't you draw your own blood. amelia bedelia gave andy a big red pen he began to draw
my mom told me said andy that went you draw blood i will feel a little stick.