To: Zachy Bitch c; ❤
From: Andrea Babey (;
Your my best guy friend in the whole world! You are like amazing and you know how to make me feel better when Im down. My new profile picture doee c; My bear and me <3 We are in love (; JKAY..That would be weird. That bear been through my ups and downs yooo! lol cx You are really funny, nice, cuteeeee, and crazy! lol
Your little cousin is like the most adorable thing in the world, no joke. Forrealz! I'm jealous Af (x Well miss you <3
Message Meeeee Doeeeeee!
Gonna make this letter longer than the last, so be prepared to do a lot of scrolling...maybe lol
You are amazing.
You are cute.
You are funny.
You are crazy.
You are weird, good weird.
You are always there for me.
Guess what?
I'll be here for you no matter what! I love you <3 c:
We talk almost everyday again! But except today since Im going to the mall lol (x Well have a great day and you should tell me when's your birthday dude (; LOL
You are like the funnest person to be around (Funnest is not a word but it is to me kay?) lol
We have known each other for a few weeks, but it feels like we known each other forever! <3
I love you !!! <3
You understand me like no one else does..even Ariana. Like she knows like what girls gotta know, but you are the only guy I could get advice from, feel special, and make me happy.
I absolutely love you for that.
You are an amazing best friend let me tell you that.
In the future, I will meet your cousin. LOL random (x
Ugh! Round 2 for the dance competition is next week and I haven't practiced or started my routine yet :( Give me some ideas dude! Like songs or something..
I wish you the most amazing life ever
MWAHH :***
Zachhaary Bitch (; lol
Andrea Babey (;
"It's funny when you say it"
I still remember that lol
Wish me luck...court is in three weeks..