ella entro a la pieza entonces le disparó, al fin logró disparar a quien más odiaba. Sin embargo, no murió, las balas no atraviesan espejos.
Ella entro hecha una furia al baño, se miro al espejo nuevamente y se odio, no podía entender como podía ser tan horrible, tan gorda, se miro fijamente sus ojos, y , saco la cuchilla que siempre llevaba con ella y la paso por su muñeca, por su estomago,y por todo lugar que ella odiaba,.
she entered the room then shot him, he finally managed to shoot anyone who hated the most. However, it died, the bullets do not go through mirrors.
She stormed entered the bathroom, looked in the mirror again and hatred, could not understand how he could be so horrible, so fat, she stared at his eyes, and pulled out the knife he always carried with it and pass through his wrist, her stomach, and she hated everywhere,.