The Concert

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Oh my god, BMTH was so freaking amazing. I don’t even know where to start. At the beginning of the concert, when Pvris and Issues were playing, we weren’t in the best spot. It was decent, but I wouldn’t have enjoyed BMTH as much if I stayed there. The way Lynn introduced their last song was “Whose house is this?! Charlotte, who’s house is this?! This is my house!” Then they played My House. I’m glad they played that song, because it was my favorite (and the only song I knew by them). So, Pvris went by, and they were setting up Issues’ set. It was funny, because they didn’t have to set up the name, because the name was set up behind Pvris, so it’s like it wasn’t even Pvris playing, but it was. Obviously the most irrelevant music was being played. That always happens. Alyssa and I were talking and saw the most insane girls ever. They were very entertaining to watch. They finally got Issues’ set up, and then they all came out. I didn’t know any Issues songs, so I just jammed out. There was this guy near us who thought it would be a good idea to hump the air, but head bang to make it less obvious to what he was doing. Like dude, it is so obvious to what you are trying to do. A guy to my left was a HUGE Issues fan, because I heard him over the singer and screamer. It was cool though. Then came the crew of BMTH to set their set up. Oh man, their backdrop was amazing. If someone was high on acid, they would’ve been TRIPPING. Flashing lights. Everywhere. I overheard a couple guys talking about how at one concert, they were far back, then by the end of the first song, they were all the way at the barrier. They were making a plan of how to do that again. I told Alyssa we need to follow them. They finally started moving, so there went Alyssa and me, right behind them. I was NOT going to be far back for BMTH. I was for BVB and FIR, but not this time. We got really close. Finally, the lights were dimmed dark, and the crowd got wild. They all came on stage and started their set with Doomed. I did not expect this, but it was like I was in a literal washing machine. There were people from the back shoving forward, the people in the front shoving back, left, and right. At least I knew I wouldn’t fall, since there were fans to catch me. After the first few songs, the crowd finally stopped trying to shove. If Alyssa and I went up a couple yards more, we would’ve been at the barrier. No joke. We were near the speakers, which wasn’t as bad as people make it out to be. Yeah, it was loud, but it was also worth it. Luckily for me, not all the tall people were at the front. Even if you’re tall when not at a concert, there will always be someone taller than you. Always happens. I’m just glad I’m not short. I’d rather be as tall as I am because I’ll have an amazing view at a concert. Right before they played Sleepwalking, Oli said “I know I say this all the time, but you guys really saved my life”. That hit me so hard, because I had that feeling in my throat that I was about to cry. Then of course they played Sleepwalking. I could barely sing that song because I was in tears from what he said. I finally got to the point where I could sing it, though. When they played Antivist, Oli asked for anyone who didn’t care to put their finger up. They then played Antivist. I was pumped for that song. They played the, what I thought to be last song, they got off the stage, and of course the crowd started chanting “Encore”. After like 5 minutes of that chanting, they finally came back out. What I didn’t know was they were going to play three final songs. I wasn’t complaining. Their final song, which I didn’t know well, I loved so much. Blessed With a Curse. I realized how much I related to it. The lyrics that hit me most were “I know I said my heart beats for you, I was lying girl. I’ve been lying to you”. That’s when I knew I had to look that song up. During a couple of their songs, they shot out confetti from confetti cannons. Of course, I was going to try to catch a piece while it was falling down. I didn’t think about how much would be on the ground. Near the end, I noticed. So, what I did was picked up a small handful off the ground and shoved it into my pocket. We had to go to the bathroom, so we went to stand in line. Well, that line was too long, and then a security guard said we could use the one in the VIP lounge. So, we went and did that, and I noticed how thirsty I was. We were about to get a soda from an area, but they said they were closed. You’d think they would WANT service, not push it away just because the concert is over. So, I said screw it and we went outside to look for Alyssa’s parents. We couldn’t see them, but we saw a bunch of people near the buses, so we went and stood with them. Last time we were here, we could’ve did the same thing and met that band, but we had to leave. We weren’t going to miss it this time. So, we stood and waited for a long time in the rain. We noticed it was actually a line that we were in and it was long. Well, we barely moved in the line. Sometime or another, a guy came up to us and told us he met and got a picture with Tyler Carter, a lead singer in one of the bands we saw tonight. Alyssa and I got really excited, but then he said they were inside of a bar. Three other girls were around too when he said that and they went straight to the bar. We followed behind them. When we arrived, two of the girls were talking about going inside to get him to take a picture with them, since there was one underage girl. We waited, but then saw her parents. We slowly started to walk towards them, just to be asked if we had something by (who we didn’t know it was at the time), one of the band’s guitarist. If we had what he needed, we could’ve met him. Alyssa and I walk back towards the bar opening, to see Tyler taking a picture with the three girls. We walk a bit faster so we can make it in time. We do, and we get a picture with him. I was so happy. He headed back towards the venue, and we followed. My excuse in case we got in trouble was “We are walking with a famous person. You don’t know many people who can say that”. After a little while, we finally got into Alyssa’s parent’s car. We left the place then. That was literally the best birthday present EVER. I saw three more bands, met one of the lead singers, and almost met a guitarist. I couldn’t have asked for anything more.

~October 2nd, the day I will never forget

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