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They say death leaves a heartache no one can heal and love leaves a memory no one can steal. But my memory was taken as well as my family. I had only death and grief surrounding me now.


I woke up on a cold metal table with a bright light shining over my head and voices unknown talking around me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw faces I didn't recognize.

"Where am I." I croaked

Instantly the voices stopped,and every pair of eyes was on me. I looked from face to face to face and didn't find anyone I recognized. I once again repeated my question, "Where am I?"

"In a hospital my dear." Said one of the doctors.

I locked eyes with him. "Why am I here?" 

"Don't you remember?" Another doctor said.

"Remember what?"

I saw them all exchange glances and start to whisper to eachother, I only caught bits and pieces like "Should we tell it" or  "Did we go to far on the surgery and changes this time?". I was getting a little scared at hearing all this, Why cant I remember anything and why were they calling me an "it"?As far as I knew I was a girl and human. I looked at my hands expecting claws or something, I turned them over and noticed my hands were shaking, and my vision was getting fuzzy. What was happening?

I looked up at the doctors and noticed red spots floating in my vision. I put my hand up to my forehead and noticed its really warm, beads of sweat started to fall down my face. I put my fingers over my eyes and squeezed them shut.

Thats when i noticed the long jagged scar that started above my right eye and ended above my jawline. I ran my fingers over it not used to the new texture on my skin. I removed my hands from my face and stared at them in horror. 

'What happened to me?' I thought. 'What did these people do to me?'

I sat up and swung my legs to the side of the bed, I noticed the doctors were still deep in thought and talking about me. I got up and walked over to one of them and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me sir, but can you tell me whats going on?" 

"I see we gave her proper manners." He chuckled and ignored my question and seemed to even ignore what I was asking. 

"Sir can you please tell me whats going on." I asked a little more loudly.

I saw one of the other doctors rummaging through a file cabinet and pull out a folder with the name "Test subject number:1" and shuffle over to me.

"Here take this, but dont open it just yet it will answer all your questions in due time."

I looked the Doctor in the eye and took the folder from him and muttered a quiet thanks.

"Well now that our debating is done we have decided to release you from the facility- I mean hospital.Your clothes are over in that cabinet,and there is also a note on your bedside table." One of the doctors said motioning to the objects as he talked. After he "briefed" me on where to get all my stuff all the doctors walked out of the door one by one. All of them looked over their shoulders and took one last glance at me before leaving.

'weird.' I thought.

I walked over to the sleek white cabinet, I stared at it trying to find a handle or something to open the door. After pointless minutes of searching I tried to think of ways to open the cabinet. 

'Maybe it was voice activated.' 

I looked at the cabinet. "Open." I commanded.

I watched the cabinet unfold itself and reveal one article of clothing. I picked it up and examined it. It looked like some kind of jumpsuit. The jumpsuit was white and had some kind of shoulder pads attached and silver arm guards and white knee length boots to go with it.

I quickly slipped on the jumpsuit and put on the boots and arm guards. I walked over to the bed side table and picked up a folded piece of paper with the name Natasha on it, I was guessing that was my name. I opened the note and started to read:

                                        Dear Natasha,

                                              I would like to welcome you to modern London the year is 2080,

                                       The things I am telling you are very important so please take my advice. You have been in a coma since 2013, The hospital you are in now is not a hospital but in fact a research facility. The scientist here took a great intrest in you when they found out you didn't age in your coma and started to do expiraments. If you are wondering why you were in a coma it was because your parents,siblings and you were in a very tragic accident.Unfoutionatly they didn't survive. You lucky to be alive. As being your current guardian I decided to help you through your life in whatever way possible. I have given you a house to live in as long as you need it and money also for as long as you need it. There is a driver waiting at the entrance of the facility for you to take you there. A word of advice, trust NO ONE in the facility and get out of there as soon as possible.Be careful.

                                                                                                    Your friend and guardian,

                                                                                                                                Master Grey

I clutched the note in my hand. I had a family? Siblings? A life possibly? I looked around the room now looking at it in a different perspective. Fear rippled up my spine. I had to get out of here, but how? I glanced to my left and saw a big window. Maybe it was unlocked! Hope spread through me like a fire. I walked over to the window and pulled it open. Sucess! I looked out and noticed I was only two stories up,and there was a fire escape I could climb down.

I quickly ran back over to the bed and gripped the folder and jogged back to the window and swung my legs over the side. I took one last glance at the room I was once in for so many years. I turned back to the fire escape and hopped down and started to climb down the ladder.

Once I hit the pavement a slight drizzle started. I held my hand up to me eyes and searched for a car somewhere. I silently walked over to the entrance of the facility to be greeted by a pair of headlights.

"Hello?!" I shouted. I couldn't see a thing do to the blinding light of the headlights. I heard the car door slam and footsteps approach me.

"Hello miss, I am the driver Mr.Gray intrusted me to take you to your new home." I watched as the man bowed. I couldn't quite make out his face due to the rain, it was pouring buckets now.

"Hello." I replied.

"Well miss this way if you please." I followed him to the side of the car.He then opened the door,and I hopped inside out of the pouring rain.

I saw a shadow walk around the front of the car,and the man opened the driver door and slid in. A few moments later I heard the car roar to life,and we were off.


 well i hoped you guys liked it, sorry that it was so short. Please vote and comment!:) the picture is natasha ~Maggie

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