6. Realization

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April Pov
        This morning I was the first one up. I was lying on the floor with my hair a tangled rat's nest when a thought came to me. It's Sunday tomorrow is Monday, we will be free!!!! However this thought also came to me, it's spring break. Great. My parents must be worried sick!!! What am I supposed to do! Why did I say I could lead?
While all of these thoughts flooded my brain Lydia woke up and I explained everything to her. She being a total family gal screamed out " THEY MUST BE WORRIED SICK! WHAT IF THEY CALLED THE COPS! WE WERE GOING TO ST. LOUIS!" And then she remembered her pride and joy her sunshine her everything, her dog Gabby. " GABLETT!!" She yelled tears beginning to stream from her eyes, slowly, quietly, tears of pure longing. Then I remembered my little fuzzle, my everything, my pride and joy, my dog Myles and just like Lydia I yelled, "MYLES!!!" However, Lydia can control her emotions and her tears stopped but the look on her face told you enough me however, cried loudly, screaming, heaving, sniffing, all kinds of disgusting mucus flooding into my throat choking out my voice. We were two girls on the floor of the teachers lounge crying because we missed home, our fuzzles, and our family.
All of this commotion woke up everyone else, who all came to see what's going on well... All except Olivia she, wait where was she! Oh whatever we'll find her later probably with Mr. Westbrook and Ms. Gwen-Hilda. Beyond the point after all was explained to the "others" actually 2 other people Blaze and Bolton which Lydia and I were a little embarrassed but, they were very empathetic and understood. A few tears fell from their eyes too after realizing not only are they stuck at school for a week, if we can't work together but, they miss their families and pets and are disappointed about missing their vacations.
I was glad they understood because I was super embarrassed with my blotchy post-cry face and rats nest hair I was glad everyone... Well Blaze, Bolton, and Lydia realized we must work together, we have leaders who lead but we work as a whole. Now after our realization we need to some how convenes Olivia and Mr. W and
Ms.G-H to work with us to get out and find out the secret of Riverwood High.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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