The Job

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Sakura stared at the house in front of her, a mixture of surprise and relief bubbling inside her.

It was the complete opposite of what she had originally expected. She had imagined Sasori living in a large, fancy mansion, in a shady forest or something hidden far away. She mentally berated herself for thinking that. The house before her was completely normal. It was a simple two-story house with a balcony on the second floor, and a path leading to what she assumed could only be a garden.

"I thought you'd live in a mansion or something like that" She admitted.

Sasori gave her a short glance before making his way to the door.

"I don't need that much room" his response was short and simple.

Sakura followed him inside, and dropped her suitcase, baffled.

The living room has got to be... The most, plain room she had ever seen. The walls and carpet were both white, and the only furniture in the room was a large flat screen TV and a leather couch and table. Sakura noticed the withering plants by the stairs.

"Um, don't you think it's a bit... 'Empty' in here, Akasuna-san?" She asked nervously.

Sasori shrugged as he threw the car keys on to the glass table, "I hardly stay here anyways," he turned to her "the kitchen is that way... You can go make yourself some tea or whatever you want to drink" he then made his way to the stairs.

"Wait!" Sakura called out quickly, and the red-haired man turned his head

"What do you want?"

"Um, well," Sakura honestly didn't know why she called out. She guess she just didn't want to be down here by herself "where will I be staying?"

Sasori let out a exasperated sigh "In my room, duh"

Sakura was sure her eyes were as wide as saucers and that her jaw could have reached the ground.

"W-what?" She cried out.

The red-head rolled his eyes "What sort of married couple sleeps in different rooms? Don't fret, I'll take the couch at night"

Sakura calmed slightly "O-ok.."

Sasori smirked,

"Don't flatter yourself. As if I'd want to sleep with a brat like you" his tone was almost mocking.

The shock within the pinkette soon melted into fury.

"As if anyone would want to sleep with a jerk like you!"

"Now is that a tone you'd use at your boss?" He drawled.

Sakura shut her mouth immediately. The geezer did have a point, only slightly.

"I thought so"

She was sure she caught a smug look on Sasori's face before he disappeared up the stairs.

Sakura grumbled as she dropped her suitcase on the couch and made her way to where the kitchen was supposed to be.

The kitchen was plain as well, with marble counters and a metal sink. It had the normal things you'd find in a kitchen. The fridge, microwave, oven and a kettle. But other then that, there was nothing. Not even a vase of flowers or a basket of fruit.

She was further shocked as she looked through the basically empty fridge and cupboards. What did the guy eat everyday?

Finally finding the tea, she waited patiently for the kettle to finish boiling the water.

There was a window in the kitchen that allowed her to see outside and into the garden. The only few things in the garden was a small pond and large tree.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2013 ⏰

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