As i sit under the red oak tree I cant help but remeber the day I first saw him . I was doing an english assignment when a football hit the tree .The football landed right in my lap scared the crap out of me . I took my headphones out of my ears and thats when i saw him he ran up to me .
Are you all right miss ? Im so sorry he said . [ Oh my god hes stunning and those amber eyes focus Morgan he asked you a question ] .
Ye yeah Im Im fine it didnt hit me , Its ay ok . I choked out .
Again Im so sorry , Im Sabastian Clark . He put his hand out .[ Ok were gonna do the name game ]
Hi Im Morgan Blake I said as i took his hand .
I was sucked right out of thought when i heard . Hey Morgan , Cheyenne my bestfriend said .
Hey Cheyenne how are you ?
Im good , are you ok ? She said as she sat down next to me .
Yeah im fine you just scared me i was just thinking . I wasnt expecting to run into anyone .
Caleb [ My boyfriend ] called me he said youve been jumpy lately .
Yeah Ive why does he do that Im fine really . I totally lied .
Caleb was worried about you and thats aloud of shit . I see right threw you .
No not this time i swear im fine . I lied again .
Bullshit you wanna know how i know ? I saw Holly and Finn Clark [Sebastians parents ] today at the coffee shop . Finn said Holly ran into you grocerie shopping a couple of days ago .
Im screwed shes gonna find out about the letter i thought .