Chapter 9

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( Anna )

After a few days of examinations and careful monitor watching the doctors finally released me. I went home woth Julia, Cody, and their parents. I would have just went home because my mom got out on parole but no one has heard from her since not even her parole officer she just left. Ditched. She left nothing in our house except a few things of mine but she still took almost everything even most of my stuff. On the way home (well Julia and Cody's house that I just call home) I stare out the window. My focus never wavering. When we pull in the drive way im still staring out the window not moving.

"Anna?" Julia shakes my shoulder lightly "You okay?"

Without looking at her I nod "Yeah"

In response to my non attentive answer she moves her hand from my shoulder "Well are you coming?"

Still holding my stare out the window I whipser "Yeah just give me a few."

Everyone except Cody and me get out of the car. Cody touches my cheek "Hey pretty you okay?

I touch his hand gently and then nussle my face against his hand "Yeah I'm fine"

"Im fine does not mean fine the scale goes good, okay, I hate you, fine so your not 'fine' whats wrong pretty?"

I finally break my stare to look at him his words hurt but they were true. "Your right im not fine but I am okay I promise." I smile at him to make it seem more believable to him because this was true I was okay just drowning in thoughts.

He looks at me questioningly. "Um okay whatever you say pretty." He leans over the seat (because he was in the very back) and kisses my forhead sending butterflies to my stomach and a tingle up and down my spine.

I smile and move over in my seat to tell him to come up here with me. He didnt even take a second to think about it. He hopped over the seat like it was a hurdle. He sat down and wrapped his arm around me. I snuggle up against him and the heat of his body makes me feel safe. I look up at him and smile. He smiles back then leans down and kisses me his hand on my cheek. When he does this it always makes me feel desired like he cant get enough of me. Since we havent kissed in so long it felt foreign to me but yet it felt just right like it was the very thing I needed at the moment. He pulls my face closer to his causing me to lean forward and up a little bit. To get more comfortable I sit completly up on my knees and then saddle him to be able to kiss him more easily. He moves my hair all to one side of my neck and peck kisses my neck a few times then kisses me again. His hand runs up the side of my leg and his fingers are touching the edge of my shorts. He pulls away panting a little bit. "We should go inside."

I nod. "Your right we should go inside itll be easier to cuddle."

He smiles and helps me off of him then opens the car door. He gets out and reaches for my hand to help me out. "Yeah, not what I was thinking but it works." He winks at me then reaches down, grabs my hand, and intertwines our fingers. Without another word from either of us we head inside.

Once we get inside Julia runs up to me and Cody. She glares at Cody, then our intertwined hands, then at me. She grabs my free hand and starts pulling me away from Cody. Cody realizing she deserved to have me for a few minutes he let go of my hand slowly. Julia looks back at Cody. "You'll have her in a few minutes to and hour I missed her so im stealing her away for a few minutes." She shoots him a smile. He just laughs and walks into the kitchen with his parents. She pulled me up the stairs and into her room. She closed the door smiling. "Time for girl time!"

I roll my eyes at her. "Okay no nailposlish or strong smells I don't want a headache."

"Boooo you party pooper!" She laughs a little bit. "But yeah I figured. Plus you should know my girl time is like guy time because I have a brother."

I laugh at her then smile deviously. "Yes... This I know."

She looks at me confused then her jaw drops finally realizing what I was implying she hits me with her pillow. "Your nasty!"

I laugh at her. "Thank you! So whatcha wanna do?"

She looks at me confused. "Oh honey you know you have to rest for a few days."

I look at her and sigh. "Dude, J I have been resting for a little over a year now I think im well rested enough."

She sighs as well. "True... But the doctor..."

I interrupt her. "But the doctor nothing."

She doesnt finish her sentence instead she stands up and walks out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I yell at her.

"To talk to mom ill be right back!" She yells back im guessing shes already half way down the stairs.

I stay sitting waiting for her to come back. Quite a few minutes later I hear footsteps running up the stairs. Julia runs into the room pretty much tackling me. "Heyyyyy!"

"Well hey there." I look at her wide eyed and confused.

"Mom said its okay that we go out for icecream as long as we come straight back." She looks at me excited and hopeful.

I stand up. "Alright lets go."

"Yay! .... Wait... Is that what you're wearing?" She looks at me disgusted in a way.

I look down at my shorts and big baggy T-shirt. The shirt having a hole on the side of my stomach. "Um guess not" I laugh and walk over to my closet pulling out a school T-shirt and jean shorts. I go to the bathroom and lock the door to get dressed. Once im dressed I walk back into her room putting my sirty clothes in our clothing hamper. I look at her gesturing at myself. "Better?"

She laughs at me. "Yep." She smiles ear to ear. "Definitely better. Noone has seen you in a year unless they visited you at the hospital so I wanted you to look at least decent." She smiles even more.

"Wow thanks J." I say sarcastically.

Hey guys sorry I was trying to make Julia and Anna have more time together instead of it always being Cody and Anna. Im writing another book at the same time so when I have writers block on this ill just write in that and same the other way around if I dont in either ill try to update as much as possible. Please stay patient with me i love you all.

Love you bunches


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