When a Party comes

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Libra:Host,party planner(A/N:I can't believe my whole school is always making me the host or party planning or even both)

Aries:the chef

Leo:also the chef

Aquarius: Decorators

Pisces: 2nd host and 2nd Party planner(A/N: since my best buddy is a pisces me and him are the top rebels no one would bully us cause the next thing they didn't know is they end up being beaten up)

Capricorn: Finds Awsome music

Cancer: helps finding awsome music also

Scorpio:helps decorate

Gemini: finds a place where to party

Sagittarius: Buys drinks and food needed for the party

Virgo:Helps find food also

Taurus:is the servant of pisces and libra

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