Chapter 14

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2 MILL Read guys!! ahh you guys are awesome I'm so glad people are enjoying my story!!

Another Trailer for WMS on the side>>> Check it out :D Thansk to @xxCupcakeelovesBTRxx check out her storie guys!

Enjoy :)


"So how are you and Tyler?" Chris asked, we were out by the pool sunbathing.

"Good, he's taken me out on another date," I replied smiling. Our date was on Sunday, I don't know where he's taking me yet.

"Do you like him?"

"It's too soon but I think I do, he's sweet and kind, he's everything I want in a guy," I said.

"But" Chris said facing me he raised his eyebrows. "You still want Colton."

I stared at Chris, I say I'm over Colton but somewhere deep down I know that's not true, I know that I still have feelings for him but they’re slowly fading.

"I don't know, yes I still have feelings for him but being around Tyler just makes me not want Colton anymore."

"Well it's a start, sooner or later you will move on from Colton. I think you and Tyler would be cute together, plus he's hot." Chris smirked. I nodded agreeing with him.

"Nathan wants to take me out sometime," Chris spoke I smiled, him and Nathan were cute together. I always thought them two would make a good couple.

"Oh when? Maybe we could go on a double date, you, Nathan, Tyler and me," I suggested.

"This Friday and maybe we could do that, that would be fun," Chris nodded.

"Cool well we should plan something soon, maybe your second date we could do it," I suggested, Chris was all for it planning that we should go to dinner then watch a movie.

Chris and I sunbathed for a little longer chatting about the boys in our lives. Chris was over being single and he wanted Nathan to ask him out already but he would wait to see how their date goes. As for me I don't know if Tyler was ready for another relationship yet, he says he likes me but I think he just wants to date for now.

The girls turned up a little later, we were planning for Mia's eighteenth birthday which was this Saturday night. We have been planning for a while now, Mia has been stressing about it for months wondering what theme she should have for her party. Chris suggested why not a dress up party. Everyone could come as any character or celebrity. Everyone from school was invited the party was going to be huge. I still haven't found my costume I didn't know who to go as.

"Let's go to the mall, we have to get your guy's costumes," Mia said.

We reached the mall, it was late night tonight so we had plenty of time to shop around. First stop was the Costume Warehouse.

The Warehouse was huge, it screamed costumes they were everywhere hanging around the store. If you needed to find a costume this would be the place. They had different sections to the store. They had a children section with all different types of costumes for kids.

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