Prologue: Cold

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I lay naked on my bed, it's quite chilly. Perhaps it's because I don't have a blanket shielding my exposed self. I stare at the ceiling fan, of which, I notice, that the rotating paddles seem to be chasing one another. I become nostalgic; remembering the day I tried to pursue happiness by chasing it; unknowingly making my problems worse. I didn't become 'happy' just like that. It takes time, and a little motivation to achieve it. It's odd though, why do so many people want to become blithe when reality is so cold. It's mesmerizing to see people, more than things, become almost like animals. They absorb and practice what they believe is 'normal' It's a terrible thing, really. Society makes us, they change our personalities and our beliefs to fit their aspect or judgement of what's perfect or at least acceptable. I don't want to become like them; they're evil, just like this cruel hell that takes the illusion of heaven. This is not heaven! I am who I am, my significance may be small but my character is bigger than the ego of humanity. I may sound arrogant or prideful but that's what is left of me. You may be wondering, who is 'they' and I shall become more direct but I cannot be just yet. 'They' watched me, as if I were a criminal, an unstable person, an eccentric being. I was able to escape that trap, and am in hopes you will too. There will be a time when they find this journal, the time is drawing near. I will tell you one secret, if you will listen. I'm hidden, somewhere far, far from you. If you believe in what I am saying, or if I'm making sense of things find me. It will be quite simple if you do believe in me. If you do not, then I'm afraid it will difficult, rather, a challenge.

Sweetest regards to you, for further situations or conflicts I will become unknown. Best of luck... Goodbye for now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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