Quick tips for girls 2

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Okay so today I have three semi-stupid really cool useful tricks.

1. So this one is my last resort and I've used it before. So say it's that time of the month, girls you know what I mean, and it manages to leak through your pants, and you don't have a sweatshirt. What I started to do is carry a bottle of dark red, or red nail polish with me. I keep my legs crossed and pretend to paint my nails then drop the bottle. Weather it spills or not, no one will ever know, or even question.

2.  Tampons are now your best friend. I've used this countless times before. I often paint my nails and realize that my toes paint looks horrible. I can't mess with the nail polish remover yet so I take a tampon and only push it through the plastic part of the way, and use it with the nail polish remover to keep it away from my nails.

3. So I don't know if this works but I've heard that if you pour sugar on spilled nail polish it doesn't stain and is super easy to clean up.

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