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(Ur Pov)

I arrived at a village called Miteli ( I think thats how u spell it) I made a camp in the woods . I started a fire it was cold and all i had were some warm clothes to keep me warm. So i put my tent up and as soon as i was drifting into sleep i heard some movement in the brushes. Since i knew how to fight i took a bow and arrow and a diamond sword i took my sword out and got ready 4 anything that came my way. I heard a groan all of a sudden there was a man with a black sweater and had a bandana on his face so it was hard to see his eyes. I asked "Who r u and wuts ur name?" I said he hesitated to answer but he did he said "Im a lo- i was a lord and my name is Aaron. Wuts urs?" I looked at him and smiled im y/n nice to meet u. He made a half smile. So wut village were u a lord of. i asked. He stuttered abit "I-I was a L-lord of S-SlcalesWind. He seemed ashamed of that. Silence fell upon us it was getting akward so i broke the silence and said "U hungry?" He looked at me with a confused look like ru seriously asking a stranger if there hungry then he said " I could eat." I smiled and walked over to him he didn't have a shirt just his sweater and a bandana he also had abbs i felt my face heat up. He looked at me and smiled i looked back at my camp then he said nice camp. Thxs i said i walked over to my tent went inside and grabed a shirt went outside and handed him the shirt he saw it and looked at me and said "No thxs." But its cold i said I don't care im fine. Uh ok then soooo i said while sitting down next to the fire. Wut do u want? He looked abit confused but then he said "Anything u have is fine with me." Oh ok i said while handing him a container he opened it and looked at it surprised. I giggled. Wut wrongs. He looked at me and said "Wuts ur story?" I took a deep breath and began. When i finished he looked mad and sorry. I asked. U look mad. Y? I can't belive ur dad was going to make u marry him. Wow. Heh its fine i have been in tougher situations. " U have like wut?" I have been kidnapped before and was also forced to marry a wolf. Same thing but the kidnapped part is bad. *Yawns* "U seem sleepy he said i nodded weakly. Yea i am. Wut about u? Kinda he said. Well i am so gn. Do u have a tent? Yea i do don't worry about it he said. *Smiles* U seem ok. "U do too." I went into my tent. I thought damn he is hot. I drifted into sleep.

(Aaron's Pov)

I was walking in the woods of Miteli. When i find a camp site if a very but very pretty girl she seemed my age. She must of heard me because when i groaned she asked "Who r u and wuts ur name." She asked. I hesitated to answer but i did i said Im a lo- then i remembered i wasn't a lord anymore i instead i said. I was a lord and my name is Aaron. Wuts urs? I asked She looked at me and smiled im y/n nice to meet u. I managed to make a half smile. Then she said. "So wut village were u a lord of?" Y/n asked I stuttered abit but i said I-I was a L-lord of S-SlcalesWind i said. I looked ashamed i was then silence fell upon us but then y/n broke it. By saying "U hungry?" I looked at her with a confused look that said r u seriously asking a stranger if there hungry. Then i said. I could eat. Y/n then walked up to me she studied me then her face seemed to be heating up. I looked at her and smile. Y/n looked back at her camp. Nice camp i said. " Y/n seemed pleased "Thxs" She siad while she walked over to her camp she went inside and then she came back outside she had a shirt in her hand y/n handed it to me but i said. No thxs. "But its cold" I don't care im fine i said "Uh ok then soooo." Y/n said while she sat naxt to her fire. Then she asked "Wut do y want?" I was abit confused but then i remembered she asked me if i was hungry. Anything u have is fine with me. I said. Y/n then handed me a container i opened it and looked at it in surprised. Y/n giggled. "Wuts wrong?" She asks me. Wuts ur story? I ask. Y/n takes a deep breath y/n began her story. When she finished i was mad and sorry. Y/n asked me "U look mad. Y?" I can't belive ur dad was going to make u marry him. Wow. "Heh its fine i have been in tougher situations." U have? Like wut? " I have been kidnapped before and was also forced to marry a wolf." Same thing but the kidnapped part is bad. * Yawns* She seemed sleepy. U seem sleepy. I asked. She nodded weakly. " Yea i am." Hse asked if i was. Kinda i said. "Well u am so gn." She asked if i had a tent.
I do don't worry about it. I said. I smiled. "U seem ok she asked." U do too. I said. I set my tent up and went inside and i thought wow she is cute. Drifted to sleep.

Sorry i didn't update yesterday its just that my phone didn't want to work. Soo yea


P.S i just put the song so can listen to it and i just want to say that maybe u will date Aaron but then break up with him and end up the Zane. Idk maybe


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