chapter twenty

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**I just wanted to thank everyone who reads and enjoys this story! you guys really have no idea how much it means to me <3**

She didn’t say a word. Not even as I was cutting her arms down. Her finger tips were purple from how tightly she was bound. Her shirt was ripped open and spotted with blood. She had a nasty cut on her head and small lashes all over her arms and chest. As fast as I could I broke the cuffs that were on her wrists and pulled her close to me.

“It’s okay. You’re alright. It’s over.” I whispered into her ear.

She held me tightly and I could feel her shaking. Over my shoulder I nodded to Tig and he took off the shirt he was wearing.

“Here sweetheart put this on.” He said softly.

I took the blue button down shirt from him and wrapped it around McKayla. She reached up and fastened a few of the buttons. I put my hands gently on her face and pulled it up so she was looking at me.

“Listen to me. Tig and they guys will take you back to the clubhouse. I’ll meet you there soon I promise.” I told her.

McKayla nodded and looked into my eyes. They were empty. I didn’t see sadness, fear, or even love in them. It was almost like she was high and checked out of her head. Tig slid his arms around her and helped her out of the room. Opie ran his hands over his face and let out a deep sigh.

“Shit brother. What now?” He asked me.

Now that McKayla was safe, it was time to take care of business. I tossed some rope to Sack.

“Tie him up.”

Sack caught the rope and walked over to Derek, who was still unconscious and started tying his wrists.

“What happened to you guys?” I asked Ope.

He shook his head and looked at Chibs.

“The Devils were waiting for us around back. Only three of them though, we took care of it.” He said with a shrug.

I sighed and shook my head. It was pounding. My body was aching from sitting tied up on the floor and for the rib shot I took. Once Sack was done with Derek I turned to the guys.

“Okay, you guys split. Head back to the clubhouse and I’ll meet you there.” I said.

Chibs and Opie exchanged glances at each other and then to me. I nodded slowly and they started to leave. Chibs put a hand on my shoulder before he reached the door.

“You’re doing the right thing here Jackie.” He said to me.

I nodded and pulled him in for a hug. Sack started for the door but I stopped him.

“Sack, I need you with me.” I said.

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