Chapter 3

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It was dark, cold and mybody ached with pain. I opened my eyes, only to be blinded by a piercing light.I groaned aloud, hearing hushed whispers and one voice telling people to settle down. I attempted to lift my arms, but something, or someone was holding them down. "Elliot. Elliot Kayden, can you hear me?"

I just managed to hear the voice, the words just audible through the sounds of my pounding heart and head. I nodded weakly, attempting to find the source of the voice. "Okay good, Elliot. This is Doctor Matthews. You were in an accident. We're here to help you." I felt my heart stop. "Who...? What...? How did this happen??" I managed to whisper out.

"Elliot please try to remain calm. We just need your arm." His soothing voice whispered, gently caressing my arm. "I..." I mumbled in pain. I could feel movement to the right side of me, my right arm flipped upwards so that my palm was facing towards the mysterious doctor. Something sharp pierced my arm, my blue eyes snapped open as I screamed in agony.

The pain instantly waved throughout my body, the burning hot sensation sent agony down my spine and to my toes. Tears of pain streamed easily down my deep crimson coloured cheek. A rich dark liquid flowed from my arm, I could feel the surgeons hacking away at my arm. I screamed louder, begging for them to stop, yelling for anyone to help free me from this hell. I thrashed around hoping this might discourage them but they were stronger than me, particularly with me in my weakened state.

My vision slowly turned static, the bright lights dimming and the world around me becoming darker. I felt my heart begin to speed up again, but pure exhaustion made me forget this detail. The last thing I remember hearing was a deep gravelly voice whispering "I'll find you Kayden."

A horribly familiar sense of insecurity waved over me. The words I heard last echoed throughout my mind. I was laying on cold hardwood surface, markings of things I couldn't make out. "Elliot! Oi, come on talk to me." A familiar voice snapped. I opened my eyes only to be blinded by a bright white light. I scrunched up my eyes, rejecting the brightness shining down on me.

"Come on Ellie! Wake up!" Another familiar voice screeched. I winced, the voice not doing much for my pounding headache. "Did you have to go as far as brand him Em? I think you went a bit overboard."

I heard a howl of frustration come from the first voice, "I panicked! Okay, I didn't know what to do!"

"You're the daughter of Lucifer for crying out loud! You could've thought of a better option than this!" The third voice yelled.

"Guys, he's waking up." A new voice muttered as I finally found the strength to begin moving. I groaned, a familiar soreness filling my bones.

A hand grasped my left hand, gently pulling me up. I opened my eyes to see the people who had become my friends first at Rosalina High. "Basilia, Celine, Patrick, Makoto and Emily...? What... Who... How?"

Emily placed her hand on the area below my elbow. I groaned in pain, a sharp prick sending pain throughout my arm. Emily winced at the noise, tears obvious in her eyes. "Emily, why are you..? I asked weakly, reaching up to her face. She slapped the hand away. "Patrick, you tell him, I don't think I can." Patrick nodded, and helped me to sit up. "Elliot, we had to brand you." My eyes went wide. "WHAT??" I yelled in shock and anger. Emily winced again, pain evident in her eyes. She had a look of regret and anger masking her face. Guilt was so blatantly obvious to me, that I couldn't feel angry at her.

"Can you at least tell me why?" I asked, attempting to sit up, but a concerned look from Celine and Emily forced me to lie back down. "Emily thought that we should brand you, for your safety." Celine muttered. "You were still passed out during the ceremony, we think you were having a nightmare." Makoto mumbled.

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