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she turns around looking nerves, her pretty pale cheeks are slightly red and her beautiful blue eyes are shining in the low light, she looks really embarrassed as she cutely asks me for help, I stutter as I say sure, and I turn fully towards her, her bright blond hair is glowing like a golden waterfall and I can't help staring for a bit, before I slowly begin to explain how to use the 3d modelling program, after half an hour she reverts her eyes towards me, but I can't help realizing she changes her gaze away every time, although I was looking over her shoulder because I can't help it either, I awkwardly say bye as the bell rings, and I pull all my stuff together before leaving, on my way out I talk to my friends as we stuff our class work away, I look around behind me and see the girl walking over, she's jolting from nerves and blushing like crazy, she comes over looking nerves and asks in a stutter if she can sit with me and my friends, I smile... and of course I let her. Although I get strange looks from Jacob and David, there antisocial as well, I'm nerves as hell, I don't even talk to the teachers most of the time so talking to her is a big challenge for me. We exchange names and talk about normal things like family and hobbies, her name is cute Bella and she lives near the river that runs through the middle of town, I told her how my name was Thomas, besides that I mostly listened to her, I could tell my friends were sitting there awkwardly so I introduced them as well, I was fascinated how she had moved from England all the way to Tasmania Australia, I couldn't help noticing how she was medium height pale caramel skin, with those beautiful blue eyes blond hair and pink lips, but it wasn't what she looked like, no it was her personality, she was shy, she loved film and movie editing, and best of all she liked reading, by the end of the day I could tell we were becoming friends, I smiled as I said by to her and went home, what a great day, I thought to myself, maybe I can have more than just one friend,


I walk into the school, head slightly down, staying away from everyone here, I make myself as inconspicuous as possible, I always feel like people are judging me so I always hide away, staying out of groups, going to the least populated areas of the school, but today I was early and I was going to the school library, though I had to go up two flights of stairs to get there I was looking forward to kicking back and reading the first book I found, which was good because it was the hunger games and I had to read it for English, yay, I look up and see the library attendant staring down at me, awkward I think to myself considering I had just said YAY out loud... she smiles and I realize it's my favourite teacher in here, I smile back before we enter a deep conversation about the book, lol I'm so weird, considering I'm talking to a teacher like she's the same age as me and were best friends. The bell goes and I slowly walk to form, I have five minutes and it's directly under me, I wonder is Bella's in my form? Her first lesson was modelling yesterday, so she didn't go to form, I start rushing I only have a minute left and if I'm late I'm in trouble, wow I think to myself when I finally get to form on time, five minutes to get down the stairs, I must have been in deep thought... darn it Bella's not hear, I sit at my usual spot at the front, looking at the desk bored as hell, ten minutes and it feels like enternity, though the bell does go soon and I can help but mutter a bit loudly 'finally!!!' as I rush out the door to English, the teacher giving me a weird look,

I walk as fast as I can to English, as I get there I notice my friends standing there talking, and Bella waiting outside my class, one class across from my friends, (my friends aren't in my English but there next door) I walk past my friends telling them I'm going to talk to Bella, I'm still nerves but it's been a long time since I've made a friend and I need this. She looks at me blushes, for some reason, and looks away, awkward I think to myself, but I keep going, "hi Bella" I say, and she finally looks at me, although I didn't expect the cute smile she gave me, I smiled back and explained what we were up to in English ( now I know I said I was talking to the bully in English last time, but,,, that was more to seem normal than an actual conversation, I normally sit by myself at the back corner) and today Bella's sitting with me!!! Finally a friend in English

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