flat white with one sugar

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You're always there, like a loyal dog waiting for its owner to come home. Watching as every car, person, leaf float by. Even though your owner has passed; long ago. You don't ever want to leave because then it feels as though the few strings connecting you with her are cut, and you realise she really is gone.

You're never late. Always there, 9am every morning. Always at the same table, the same chair and you always order the same coffee. You usually just sit there, thinking. Closed off from the world, face emotionless and blank.

I remember when she was here with you. You were always so inordinately happy but I loved it.

You always ordered a white tea with three sugars nothing more, nothing less. But ever since she passed, you order what she always did. A flat white coffee with one sugar. You don't like it very much but you don't care. You never did. You love her too much to care about anything. All you saw was her when she was here. Now shes gone and you're broken. Love; the most Harrowing yet exciting emotion.


dedication: rotagirl98 thank you for inspiring me to write this story, it would mean so much to me if you could just check it out despite im not even half as good as you at writing.

much love,


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