Chapter 2

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              Private classes. Did he just say private classes?

"Private classes?" I'm sure confusion was clear in my voice. "Why private classes?"

"Your mother requested they be private" A smirk spread across his lips "Apparently you don't work well with other people, she didn't want anyone getting hurt"

I rolled my eyes at his words. Of course she would tell him something like that.

"She tends to..exaggerate slightly" I said hesitantly.

He hummed. "I'm sure." Sarcasm dripping from his voice "Let's get started shall we."

He walked over to a bag I'm assuming belonged to him and started to dig through it for something. He pulled out a pair of boxing gloves and walk back towards me.

"Did you bring a gumshield, I told your mother to make sure you brought one." He said as he handed me the boxing gloves.

"Umm..yeah." I dug through my bag and pulled out my gumshield

"Give me your bag." I put my bag in his outstretched hand. "I'll leave it over here beside mine" he said as he walked away. Unsure of what to do I followed him over to the bags.

"Give me the gloves." His demanding tone was really getting on my nerves but I handed him the gloves anyway. He placed them on the ground at his feet and began wrapping a bandage like material around my wrist and hand. I could feel my face flush and cursed myself in my head for having this reaction to such a stupid thing. Once he had done the same to my other hand he picked up the gloves and slipped my hands into them and tightened the straps around my wrists.

"Do they feel okay?" He asked dropping my hand. "Yeah, they're fine." I smiled slightly up at him.

"Good, follow me." He started walking towards a punching bag. "I want to see how you punch"

"Okay...umm so I just punch the bag?" I asked hesitantly "Yes, you just punch the bag."

I pulled my arm back and punched the bag, it barely moved. Thanatos burst into a fit of laughter and I've never heard such a pleasant yet annoying sound. "What? Why are you laughing?!" Annoyance clear in my voice. "Is that really all you've got." He said still laughing slightly "because that was just pathetic." I glared at him unimpressed with his words. "I didn't know how hard I should hit it." I muttered very annoyed. "As hard as you can sweetheart." I flushed at his words and turned back towards the punching bag. I pulled my arm back and punched it as hard as I could this time. The bag swung back and Thanatos caught it before it hit me.

"Now that's better" He smirked "but you're punching wrong, You'll damage your wrist if you punch that way." He grabbed my arm and lifted it causing me to flush once again. "You keep your fist facing straight until the last second and then you turn it just before it hits the bag." He demonstrated his words with my hand a few times. Him standing so close to me was making it very hard to concentrate. "Now you try." He stepped back and waited for me to try it on my own.

We continued this for a while before he stopped me and said we were going to do something else. "We're going to warm up a bit before I show you anything else."

"Can't wait" I muttered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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