Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Abby's POV

"You ready?" I ask Libby before starting the questioning, Libby avoided my gaze and nodded her head. "When you're answering you need to look at me, ok?" Libby nodded her head, this time looking directly in my eyes. I slightly smiled and held her hand briefly before letting go and getting ready to write. "Ok, did...that man threaten you?" Libby nodded her head. "What sort of things did he say?" Libby let out a shaky breath before going to answer. "He said he'd kill me before you were ever able to save me, he mentioned once or twice that he'd kill my family." I sighed.

"Why would he threaten to kill your family?" Libby looked down before looking back up at me. "He told me to do things whilst I was there and when I refused he'd get mad and threaten to kill my family." I nodded. "So it was rage, not sure if it's true that he'd do I though?" Libby nodded. "Ok, how did he harm you?" Libby shrugged her shoulders. "He did many things really, but the one thing he did most was whip me." I sighed and looked at the top half of her body. "I don't see any whipping marks." Libby sighed and I realised that she used make up to cover it up. "Can I wash it off?" Libby nodded and stood up, I led Libby into the bathroom and turned the shower on and washed her.

As soon as the water hit her skin, the make up ran down her body, leaving the marks that were sure to be left as scars. I gently touched one of the marks and she lurched forwards and cried out in pain. I sighed and carried her back into my room and gently placed her back on the chair. "What did he use to whip you with?" Libby looked at my waist and I immediately knew what she meant. "He used his belt on you?" Libby nodded and I could see the tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Did he ever give you a reason as to why he took you?" Libby nodded her head and sighed heavily. "He thought that by taking me, he'd get closer to you and would be able to kill you." My eyes darkened and I froze. "He said what?" I looked back up at Libby and she looked guilty. "I'm sorry." Is all she said before bursting into tears and rocking herself back and forth on the chair.

I stood up and immediately regretted it as the room started to spin, I fell to my knees and kept hitting Libby on the knee. Once she calmed down and saw my state she started to freak out. "Call an ambulance!" She shouted before running out of the room. That's all I remembered before everything went black.

Ashton's POV

It all happened so fast. Abby brought Libby in. Abby checked Libby for injuries. Abby asked Libby some questions. Libby went into a mini panic attack. Abby fainted and now we're calling for an ambulance. Keep in mind, this all happened in twenty minutes. "Has someone called for an ambulance?!" I shouted at the three other boys, Luke nodded his head. "They're on their way now." I sighed and ran up to Abby and cradled her in my arms.

"Come on Abby, wake up." Nothing. When looking at Abby right now, I feel as though she's dead. Her face is basically grey, the rest of her skin that's showing has gone very pale. She looks lifeless. Libby ran in and she had orange juice and a Mars bar. "Ashton, move so Abby's head is propped up on your lap." I nodded my head and moved so I was on my knees and gently placed Abby's head on my lap. "Is she going to be ok?" Libby nodded her head.

"She passes out quite often. She can pass out due to talking about a topic that makes her feel unsafe, she can faint due to low sugar levels, she faints with shock. She's a mess, but I wouldn't change anything about her." I nodded my head and faced the guys. "Keep in mind what we're doing now, I think this may happen more now that we know what can cause this." Libby nodded and agreed with me. "Can you tell me what topics make her feel unsafe so the guys and I know not to talk about it in front of her?" Libby nodded.

"Only when the ambulance gets here, they'll have to do small tests on her so we can go out of the room and discuss." I nodded my head. "You guys stay in here with Abby." The guys nodded and still looked shocked with Abby's state, I couldn't blame them, we've never seen someone in this state before. It's kind of scary.

"Ok so Ms Abigail has fainted, again?" One of the paramedics asked. Libby smiled and nodded. "You know what to do." She said before standing up. Just at this moment Abby gained consciousness and everyone was watching intently. "Abigail, can you hear me ok?" Abby slowly nodded her head and tried to sit up. "Abigail you remember me right? I'm Jessica." Abby nodded once again. "Can I just stay here? We know the reasons as to why I pass out." Abby stated faintly, she had to keep her eyes closed because she didn't want to be blinded by the light I presume. Jessica smiled and held Abby's hand.

"I advise you still go in, it could be something different." Abby sighed and pulled her hand away from Jessica. "Can I move please? I need the...bathroom." Jessica slightly giggled and nodded her head. I slowly lifted Abby's head and moved so I could gently place her head on the ground. "Abigail, did you hit your head?" Abby shook her head. "I don't remember hitting my head." I slowly stood up and Jessica just looked at me. "She did hit her head, not hard though, I don't think anyway." Jessica smiled and nodded her head and started feeling around Abby's head. "Let me know if it hurts." Abby nodded and continued letting Jessica put pressure on her head.

I slowly made my way out of the room and found Libby sitting at the top of the stairs. I sat down next to her and held my hands together trying to look at the same thing Libby was. "So, can you please say what makes Abby feel unsafe?" Libby jumped with shock and gave me a surprised smile. "Um of course, sorry I was just thinking about something." She said with a giggle.

"Don't worry, sorry I kind of scared you." Libby laughed once again and shook her head. "Ok, so things that makes Abby feel unsafe. She doesn't like talking about her past family. And I think that's what caused it today. The man that took me was her birth father and Abby killed him whilst saving me." I nodded my head, my eyes slightly widened, no wonder why they wouldn't say anything about the man. They just kept calling him 'he' and 'man'.

Once Libby went through everything we both stood up and I shook her hand. "Thank you Libby." Libby shook her head whilst smiling brightly. "No problem, I love her like a daughter, I'd do anything to make sure she's safe." I smiled. "Seems like she'd do the same for you." Libby giggled happily and it made me smile. "It's good to know someone's always looked out for Abby since she left her family." Libby looked at me and smiled. "I best be off back to the agency, I have work to do." I smiled and helped her make her way out of the house and thanked her once again before making my way up to Abby's room.

By now she'd gained most of her colour back and she seemed perfectly fine. I looked over at the guys and they were all smiling. "Ok so Abigail, I think it was just one of those moments again. Remember what you can and can't talk about, and if you are talking about it, don't go into much detail and scare yourself." Jessica said sternly before getting up and heading for the door. "I thought you were taking her to the hospital." Jessica laughed and shook her head. "She's as stubborn as a brick, when she knows she's fine, she won't let anyone change her mind." Jessica said before making her way out of the house and back into the ambulance.

"Where's Libby?" Abby asked, I sat down beside her and held her hand. "Libby went back to the agency, she said she had work to do." Abby nodded and let out a yawn. "Passing out drains the life out of you, it does." The guys and I all laughed. "We wouldn't know, none of us have eve passed out and have never needed an ambulance." Abby looked shocked. "Really? Oh guys I'm sorry I must've made you all so scared." The guys and I chuckled. "As long as you're ok, we're ok." Michael stated.

Ashton Irwin Adopted A CIA AgentWhere stories live. Discover now