Kasamatsu Yukio

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There it was again. The sound of guitar strings being strummed and plucked, notes coming together in perfect harmony. The chords were echoing through the stairway from the slightly ajar door by the rooftop.

No one's ever really noticed but I've been eating lunch by the staircase leading up to the rooftop at exactly 12:05 noon.

It's not that I'm a loner or anything. It's just that... Well, okay, it's exactly just that. I am a loner. For some reason, my friends ditched me and not only that, they've been really mean to me lately, too.

I honestly have no idea what I did to make them hate me. I tried everything. I apologized to them for whatever I did but all I got were the same old icy stares and cold shoulders.

I guess I'm pretty used to them by now. I'm already on my third year in high school and it's not like I need them, anyway. We'll all be going our separate ways to university. I only have to suck it up until then.

Now why am I eating by the staircase and not on the rooftop? Well, it's because having lunch on the rooftop is such a huge cliché, of course. Also, if I ate on the rooftop at lunch, then whoever is playing tunes on their guitar from up there would stop. It seems that that person is alone up there, too.

Maybe he likes being alone. Guess that makes two of us.

"We've got the afternoon... You've got this room for two,"

I blinked. Woah. This certainly was the first time I've gotten to hear that person's voice.

"One thing I've left to do... Discover me, discovering you,"

So the person playing guitar up on the roof was a boy. Also, he's playing my favorite John Mayer song.

I packed my bento and tiptoed up to the doorway of the rooftop. I'm only going to take one glance, I thought, peeking from behind the door.

"One mile to every inch of... Your skin like porcelain,"

I blushed as I heard the lyrics being sung. He's not singing to you, baka! I thought to myself. Even if I did know that for a fact, I just couldn't help myself. The singer's husky voice, along with the lyrics of Your Body is a Wonderland, was enough to make me swoon.

I leaned in closer and accidentally pushed the door open, causing it to creak. The sweet melody immediately ceased.

"Um, who's there?" the voice frantically called out.

"Shit shit shit shit," I cursed silently as I tiptoed my way back down the staircase and away from the roof top. I let out a long sigh, "Looks like I won't find out who the singer was."

The rooftop door flew open as I reached the final step at the bottom of the staircase. There stood a flustered Kasamatsu, with his guitar case hanging from one shoulder.

"K-Kasamatsu-kun?" I stuttered. Of all the people in Kaijo High, he was the mystery guitarist? And he sings, too?!

"F-fancy meeting you here," I said, trying to play it cool. "Was just, you know, dropping by."

"Well, I'll be going now. Bye." I bowed snappily and made a run for it. Kaijo High's basketball team captain sure was intimidating. It'd be best if I just avoided him altogether. Also, he looked pretty pissed off.

Before I could break into a sprint, Kasamatsu called out to me. "You there."

"H-hai!" I stood at attention, squeezing my eyes shut. This is it. He's going to yell at me, for sure. For some reason, I felt like one of his players in the basketball team. If only I had known that this was his secret past time, I would've stayed away from the rooftop. Who would've thought that the intimidating Kaijo High basketball team captain was a pretty decent singer? Okay decent is an understatement. He was really good.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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