There is Nothing Either Good or Bad, But Thinking Makes It So

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        ♥Thanks to JarFullOfCookies for her beautiful banner ♥

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who reads along with my story. It really means a lot to me and if anyone wants to tell their friends about this story or recommend it, that would be greatly appreciated.  I'd also like to apologize for not uploading in a while. I'm busy with school and lots of homework but I try to upload whenever I can.

And sorry for the short chappie, I hope you guys don't mind! too much



        Everything was quiet. Not quite awkward though, because no one seemed to have anything against it. Usually I would have treasured this beautiful silence and used it as a time to think, however now I was too focused on Asher. He wasn't facing me so I couldn't attempt to read his expression and his body language didn't really help either.

        Aggravated as I was, I couldn't do anything to make him hate me. It just wouldn't feel right in inexplicable ways. I needed to know him even though he's nothing but  a stranger. Why is it always me? Damn it-- why does everything have to be so complicated? Why couldn't I be the perfect one?  Why was I the weak one? The one who took the easy way out?

        I slapped my palm against my forehead in frustration.

        "It's just not fair!" I usually would have held everything in but this time it was all coming out at once. I could only vent out my feelings through poetry, but even then no one understood.

        "Just because you don't get what you want, doesn't mean that it isn't fair." I didn't expect such a harsh response, then again, I never expected any response at all.

        "Asshole" I hissed under my breath.

        He heard me and he was meant to. I expected him to let loose some rude retort but he didn't. Instead, he did just the opposite. He shifted his body so it was closer to me than to the wall and he move his arm so it was no longer blocking his face from my vision. He turned and looked at me as the train came to a soft halt.

        There was some computer voiced lady on the intercom who talked about being careful after you exit the subway train and all of that stuff that I never listen to. The only thing that caught my attention was the word SEATTLE. Without hesitation I bent down to grab my backpack and suitcase and headed straight for the double doors.

        I turned around and the boy seemed to be focused on something, then I remembered hearing the intercom lady mentioning something about this being the last stop. I furrowed my brows at him as he remained seated, almost as if he were unaware of the receding passengers surrounding him. Almost instantly, his eyes flickered in my direction so I turned back and headed towards the large staircase leading to ground level.

        There was a small wooden holder attached to the wall that was filled with different pamphlets. One of them being a map of the city. I grabbed it just in case I might need it later, along with an informational pamphlet for sight-seeing.

        I wanted to leave this place and go somewhere warm for the night but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I was delved into my thoughts as I stared at the pamphlet in my hands; my eyes not processing a single letter they saw.

        Again, I turned around to look at the boy. But this time the floor was empty. There were no more passengers and more importantly, there was no Asher.


        It took a while to find the hotel I had read about in the back of the pamphlet. The map was a lot more useful than I had expected it to be but the walk still took a while. Finally I had made it one street away from the hotel and I could already feel the warmth of the building. The comfort and luxury sent a surge of energy through me--one that most people wouldn't get this early in the day.

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