Then his door opened I seen his sister walking in Jenny Darksaga she was seventeen plus I had a huge attraction to her. So when see walked in I turned into a statue. But that doesn't work in real life she screamed so I dived out the window in the bushes and stayed quietly for twenty minutes. I got out the bushes and seen that his dad was down stairs guarding the stairs. I chuckled that's not going to stop me I walked around and seen that his sisters window was cracked open a little so I climbed up to the window I kinda thought I could some if you know what I mean but it didn't happen the way I wanted, when does it work my way anyways. So I got my hand under the window. I opened it I can hear her still talking about seeing me thinking that she was just losing her mind telling who ever she's on the phone. she tells the person who's she on the phone with that she will talk to them tomorrow and hangs up. So I make my move and climb in making sure I wasn't making noise and the window was by her tall bookshelf making me more covered. She gets up and walks right by me and doesn't see me so I walked behind her and said how's it going. The look on her face was priceless but wasn't the sexy look I was looking for. . P.s. who ever found this you can't blame me for trying to get some.
She asked me am I here to haunt her she really does know supernatural stuff. I told her no I just want to tell you that I was always interested in you so Yea. The look on her face looked claim. Then she asked me how am i still alive when all heard someone killed you. I was but I was brought back to life by some strange person and I don't think they got my best interest in mind. She said wait so you're telling me that you were brought back to life to some weird business because listening to this it kinda sounds like it. They didn't call you a genius for no reason did they. She said stop trying to butter me up I know you want something so stop acting like you care for me please. Umm ok I wasn't going to ask you for anything even if I did you wouldn't be able to help out anyways I don't even know what's going on. So I talk to you guys later I be sleeping in your basement. She said what do you mean sleeping in our basement. Well I don't know anywhere else to go I don't got people that can help me at the moment it's good to keep myself close to my brother even if he isn't my real one.