Who Will Protect You?

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"Hey McFarlin," she turned to smile up at the tall man approaching her desk, "can I ask you something?"

The pale skinned woman smirked as she stapled the stack of papers in her hand, "Sure thing, Dr. Terry."

"Listen, Ramsey," Arthur Terry began, taking a gulp of the coffee he held in his hand, "you and I have worked together for a long time."

"Six years."

"Six years," Arthur repeated, "that is a long time for two people to get to know one another professionally. So, I was wondering, did you perhaps want to get to know each other personally as well? Say, over dinner?"

Blinking in surprise, Ramsey McFarlin glanced up at her boss, "Oh. I'm flattered, Dr. Terry, I really am. But I don't date."

"Who said this was a date," the man smirked, "this is just two friends having a little heart-to-heart over a pleasant meal."

"Smooth, Arthur, real smooth," she chuckled, glancing up at the clock, "if you'll excuse me, my shift is over."

Chuckling, he watched as his secretary gathered up her purse and jacket, "See you tomorrow, Ramsey. I'll bring flowers."

"Don't waste your money," she smirked back, giving him a small wave, "have a good night, Arthur."

Catching the elevator Ramsey rode it down to the employee garage. Reaching into her purse, she pulled out her keys and began walking towards the end of the lot. About halfway to her car, she began to feel odd. Sighing, she glanced at all the shadows with a pair of ebony eyes.

"Kirk," she called out, a smirk on her face, "I know that's you. I thought I was meeting you at your place."

A nearby shadow chuckled as a tall figure emerged from it. He had broad shoulders, terribly pale skin, and wore a black outfit with red goggles.

"You're no fun anymore," he said in a bland tone, "how was work?"


"Arthur ask you out again?"

"You know it."

The man shrugged, raising an eyebrow, "You know, you should really take him up on his offer sometime. He's a good guy."

Sighing, Ramsey rolled her eyes, "I-I just don't feel like dating anyone, Kirk. You know that."

"Don't see why," he said as the pair arrived at the secretary's vehicle, "Pretty girl like you; I'm sure you can easily find a nice guy."

"Maybe I don't want a nice guy," she smirked with a wink, "want a ride?"

Saying nothing, the dark figure opened the door and climbed inside. Ramsey followed suit, starting the car and beginning the long drive home.

"So how's your work coming along?"

"Same old," he sighed, gazing out the window, "never a shortage of idiots who think they can take over."

She sent a single glance his way before glancing at the road again, "And the serum?"

He didn't answer, causing her to frown. She sent a worried glance his way, noting how his frown deepened.

"I can feel you staring, Rams."

"I'm worried about you, Kirk," she admitted as she took a right turn, "you keep going on all these dangerous missions. What if you never come back?"

"I'll come back," he said flatly, "I always do."

"I'm not the only one who's worried," Ramsey sighed, "Tina calls me every day to make sure you're fine."

A small blush worked its way to Kirk's face. Tina Magnus was the wife of his best friend William. Kirk had a crush on her since they met in college, but she had always been Will's girl. He, Will, Tina, and Ramsey were inseparable; always doing things together and always having a good time. But that all changed when Kirk made the serum for his condition. A serum which backfired and turned him into the masked vigilante known as Batman.

"She doesn't have to worry," he finally said softly, "I'll be fine."

Ramsey sighed, but kept her eye on the road. The two sat in silence for the rest of the ride. As Ramsey pulled her car to a stop in front of the Tower of Justice, a large shadow passed over them. Turning off the engine, the redhead smiled as her car door was opened by a tall man with black hair and a small goatee.

"Ms. McFarlin," the man chuckled, offering her a hand, "how nice to see you again."

Accepting the man's hand, she nodded, "Hello Superman. It's nice to see you too."

"Been a while since you visited last."

"I've been busy," she chuckled as she turned to watch Kirk exit her vehicle, "so what's new with the gang?"

"The usual," he smirked, "Bekka is upstairs if you want to say hi."

"Actually I do," Ramsey snapped her fingers as she opened the trunk of her car, "I have something for her."

As Ramsey leaned in to grab a small manila folder, the Kryptonian's smirk deepened as his eyes traveled down to her rear. Her uniform's skirt had begun to ride a little high, giving him a perfect view of her well toned thighs. He suddenly felt a pair of eyes on him and turned to see Kirk glaring in his direction.

"Here it is," her voice caused them both to glance at her, "she was right about those cartel members. They've got a huge shipment coming in by train this Saturday."

"Thanks Rams," Kirk said, taking the folder from her, "we appreciate the help. Go home and get some rest."

As the thin man turned to enter the tower, Ramsey gave a small sigh, "You're going after them, aren't you?"

He paused, reaching up to pull his goggles off and gaze at her, "It's my job."

"I know," she nodded with a soft smile, "I'm just really worried. It's a dangerous world."

"Don't worry," he smirked, turning to walk through the doors, "I'll protect you Rams."

She waited until he disappeared before frowning, "But who will protect you?"

Superman watched the scene unfold with interest. He himself had met Kirk ten years ago on the docks, a rat in his mouth and Ramsey standing protectively over him. She had never been afraid of the vampire he had become, always finding her college friend behind the fangs and red eyes. When he offered Kirk a place to stay, she had refused to let him out of her sight. Even going as far as attacking him with the baseball bat she kept in her car. She had known perfectly well that she couldn't beat him, but her friend was far more important to her than her own life. He respected that about her.

She still wasn't allowed in the tower, however, but she visited whenever she could. Over time, she and Superman became friends and she shared a strong sister-like bond with Bekka (AKA: Wonder Woman). The Kryptonian knew, however, that the only reason she came was for Kirk.

"I'll keep an eye on him," he said, laying a gentle hand on her shoulder, "don't worry. Go get some sleep."

Nodding, Ramsey climbed back into her car and started the engine. Giving one last sad look at the tower, she sighed and drove off.

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