One Week Later

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"Though it's been a week since the showdown with Magnus' robots, the cleanup still goes on."

Ramsey ignored the rest of Lois Lane's report as she entered the living area, her nose buried deep in the screen of the laptop she carried in her arms. Superman sent her a single glance from where he stood observing the reconstruction in the streets down below, noticing Kirk's usual stiff figure relax almost instantly as he caught whiff of the mint shampoo.

"Hey Rams," the vampire turned towards her, giving the world's smallest smile, "check it out."

The redhead glanced up as Lois finished her report, giving a scoff before sending a smirk Superman's way, "Next she'll be sending you selfies."

She sat on the couch, her eyes snapping back to her screen. Kirk waited, but when she made no effort to speak to him, he joined the Kryptonian. She had been like this ever since Will's death. Always bustling about the tower performing one repair or another. Kirk hardly saw her anymore, and when he did it was only the ends of her hair as she vanished around a corner, leaving behind her scent; the scent that had only recently begun to drive him insane.

"You know, Kirk," he blinked as Superman began to speak, "I've been thinking...we need to shake things up a bit. Change the way we do things. No more politics. No more killing."


He shrugged, "Just something to think about."

"I give it a week before you're bored shitless of holding back against these idiots," Ramsey chuckled, not taking her eyes from her work as her fingers continued to fly across the keyboard, "if that."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Ms. McFarlin," the dark haired man laughed, "like I said, it's something to think about."

Suddenly, the trio were joined by Bekka. Pulling her gaze away from her laptop, Ramsey blinked in surprise as she took in the beautiful cloak adorning her dear friend's shoulders.

"Is it that time already?"

Kirk and Ramsey shared a confused look before the vampire turned to Superman, "What's going on?"

"Our beautiful Bekka is leaving us."

"What," the hacker set her computer aside, rising to her feet and walking up to the Amazon, "why?"

Bekka sighed, "The problems of my past linger in ways yours do not. It's time I go back and face them."

"I'm not comfortable with this, Bekka," Ramsey sighed, "you heading out on your own like this."

"Who said anything about going alone?"

Kirk blinked in surprise as a Boom Tube opened to reveal Luthor, though Superman gave an approving nod, "She has a co-conspirator."

"Are you ready my dear," Luthor asked, "it's time."

"They decided this a few days ago."

Luthor noticed Ramsey's doubting glare, "I've grown bored of this universe, Ms. McFarlin. It is time to explore others."

She turned her back on the man, his mere presence sending uncomfortable chills down her spine. Yes, he helped clear the Justice League and yes, he single-handedly saved Superman and Bekka's lives. Even so, the memories of him turning her inventions into weapons burned her to the core. She'd never forgive him for that. In a way, the thought of him leaving the galaxy gave her a small piece of mind. But, who knows what he would find out there. Or what he could bring back to Earth.

"Rams," she turned and tried to give Bekka her most encouraging smile, "I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Bekka," she sent another glare at Luthor's back as he went to speak with Superman, "but do you really trust him?"

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