Chapter 2 -- 9 3/4

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Draco Malfoy stood with his father, awaiting the arrival of Jessica Vladessa. They stood at the bottom of the spiral stairs, and watched as she came down them. Malfoy tried to fight back the smile that bites at his lips, and shifted uncomfortably as what he thought was starvation turned out to be butterflies in his stomach.

Why the bloody hell do I feel like this! Draco thought to himself. He put his hands in his pockets, and felt the velvety box that sat in there. She is never allowed to get or buy anything...girly. I hope this makes her feel better.......Wait, what the hell. She's just a girl, why am i caring about how she feels? God woman are so confusing!, Draco's mind raced. Vlada smiled as she came down the stairs.

"All ready!"  She chirped, and something in her voice made his stomach butterflies go crazy. Draco smirked but it quickly went away as Lord Voldemorte came into the room. Draco stepped back slightly, and Lucius put his hand on Draco's far shoulder,  squeezing it comfortably. Vlada noticed the sudden change, and whipped around.

"Dad!" She yelped, and ran to hug him. He embraced her, and Draco tried really hard not to barf....or scream...or cry. The man was scary.

"S-sir, I was thinking I would take them myself, considering.." Lucius said, but stopped dead short before finishing the rest. Lord Voldemorte looked up at him.

"Oh really.." Lord Voldemorte started but was cut off.

"Dad, it was my idea. I know about your history, and I  know what needs to be done. Plus, it'll be advantageous if I show up with sorry Mr. Malfoy. " Vlada says, smiling up at her father. Her father hesitates then nods.

"You definitely take after me, darling". Lord Voldemorte says, and kisses the top of her head. Vlada goes to stand by Draco and his father.

"Well, we should get you two to plat form 9 and 3/4. Better not be late!" Lucius says, and swallowing uncomfortably. Vlada nods, and smiles to her dad once more.

"Bye dad!" She says as they exit through the doors. Here father waves them off.

In the car, Vlada sits next to Draco in the back seat while his father sits in the drivers. It is very rare that he drives. Vlada was staring out the window, and Lucius noticed that Draco kept glancing over at her, trying to hide a smile, and had his hand over the pocket where his gift was. Lucius couldn't help but smile.

"I am sure you guys will talk more on the train?" Lucius says, half hinting, half asking.

"Uh, ya, totally." Draco says, his voice slightly cracking by being caught of guard. 

"Forsure we will! This is so exciting!" Vlada cheers, smiling brightly. 

An there it was, Lucius saw in the rear view mirror, the glint in the eye and the smile that had been biting at Draco's lips.

He may not know, he may be stubborn about it. But I know. Lucius thought to himself, And now I know my boy will be safe.

Soon, they arrive to the station, and they walk through to find the wall door to 9 and 3/4. They stand by the brick wall until the certain time, and they enter.

The train, and crowds of wizards and witches, was memorizing for Vlada. She has never seen so many in one place before. Draco stood beside her, and his father motioned for them to head to the train.

"Better get going son, it's almost time for it to leave." Lucius says, touching Draco's shoulder. Glancing at Vlada, and seeing she hadn't heard him, he continued, "She will run into trouble there, given her family history."

"I'll be watching her." Draco said, looking over at her. When his father took a step back, Draco reached out to touch Vlada's arm, "We gatta go." She looked back at him, and smiled. Draco froze for a second, cleared his throat, and said, "Come on."

"Bye, Lucius! Thank you!" Vlada says, glancing over her shoulder and then turns to walk away with Draco, towards the train.

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