Part 1

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"Woooo! Harry!!" Niall shouted, his helmet still on his head.

Harry was finally getting to show the guys a cool new trick he had learned that he'd worked on for 3 days before finally getting it exactly right and perfect right now. He was very proud of himself for accomplishing it on his own and was happy to show everyone and even teach them how to do it too.

"Thank you, thank you." Harry bowed and thanked Niall after completely his trick and removing his helmet. As he did so, an unfamiliar lad started walking over to them. Harry nor Niall had never seen the guy before. Usually  Harty would guess he was just a new skater asking for some tips on his tricks. But this was different. He looked angry.

"Think you're so cool, don't cha?" He asked as he was much closer to Harry and Niall now. They looked at each other in confused.

"I am cool." Harry spoke. "I mean.. I'm not trying to be cocky or full of myself, but all these guys at this park love me! And I love them too. We're like a family here."

"How cute. I don't give two shits about that, I wanna know why you stole my trick" He exclaimed.

"Woah, woah, I didn't steal any of your tricks, bro." Harry held his hands up and started backing away. "I don't mean to start any trouble or anyth-" Harry was interrupted by a smack to the face. "My names Zayn" The man shouted as he dashed away. "You'll pay for this! I'll be back soon!" After those words faded out, his body disappeared into no where.

Niall scratched his head in confusion and looked at Harry, who had his hand placed on the spot where he was hit, just letting his finger tips touch it slightly.

"What was that about?" Niall asked after a long silence.

"I don't even know. I'm just going to go home and take a break for a few days. See you later." Harry said blankly, but just as confused as Niall was. He headed home and decided to just relax and cool off from the situation. Harry was a civil guy and couldn't really hurt anyone, he'd hardly even hurt a fly. So, he just let it slip by and went home to relax. Relaxation can  do a body good.

Fuck At First Sight: A Larry Stylinson Short Story!Where stories live. Discover now