Chapter 2

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Ash's Pov

I walk into the cafeteria and head over to our usual table. Tyler and Felicia are already there with their food. Tyler's looking down at a text book with a piece of paper and a pen next to it.
"Sup Ty?" I put my bag down next to him and smile.
"Hey Ash, just studying for the test last block," he says.
"Oh yeah, I was up till midnight studying. Made me super tired." I lean against the table and look at him with a smile. He looks at me like I just said I still play with Barbie and Serena dolls. He chuckles and I can see the amusement in his eyes.
"Midnight? Really? Most teenagers stay up till midnight anyways," he informs me. He leans back in his chair lazily and waits for me to respond. I shrug my shoulders.
"What? I like sleeping for more than 8 hours, big deal," I retort. I stand up and Tristan hops onto a chair. I walk away to get some food. Picking up a slice of pepperoni pizza, some juice, and two pieces of chicken. I pay the lady and get back to the table. Tristan immediately hops on the table and sits patiently as I sit down.
"Chicken is yours. Enjoy," I inform him. He gives me happy little fox smile and grabs one of the pieces from the tray. I start to eat when Sophie sits down with a tray. She has a salad and some carrots. Jason hops up onto the table and takes a carrot.
"Hey Soph, Jay. How'd your English class go?" I ask. The guys in her English class are real mean and like to tease her sometimes. It doesn't help with her shyness, but they wouldn't dare try and tease her when's she's with all of us. She shrugs and smiles.
"We got to watch a movie today, so they didn't do a lot today. Hey Ty, do you think you could help me with some math work during our spare?" She asks. Ty seems to not hear, so I snap my fingers in front of his face.
"Huh, what? Oh, math, yea okay. I'll meet you in the library then k?" Sophie nods and eats her salad. I met Ty when I first came to the academy, Tristan pointed him out. Well, more specifically, Felicia. Of course we all instantly bonded over our similar animals. Ever since me and Ty have just bonded over things we shared a liking for. He was really nice to Sophie and they became friends as well. Sophie just lives a few blocks down so she was the first person I met when we moved here. Maddie walks over with Kyle. Andrew trails behind carrying Sebastian, Kyle's hermit crab. I met Maddie when home started and she introduced me to Kyle. Kyle is a bit of a loner, but he'a really close friends with Maddie. They're exact opposites but are closer than ever. People say it's because sad people tend to stick around those who have enough happiness for both of them. I'm surprised Kyle's the only loner at our table, Maddie's a fountain of happiness.
"Hey Madz, Kyle," I greet. Kyle just puts up two fingers and gives a type of salute, Maddie runs over and envelopes me in a hug. She does that with each of us before going back to Kyle. Kyle gives a lopsided smile and sits down. He picks up Sebastian, effectively saving him from Andrew. Andrew gives Kyle the puppy eyes making him look away. He gives a little harrumph before jumping up on a chair. I laugh as he starts giving Tristan puppy eyes. Maddie leaves to get some food and comes back with two trays and Sora. She sets the one with tuna and bread on it in front of Kyle. Sebastian comes out of his shell and takes a bit of tuna to eat before Kyle makes a sandwich. Sora waves a greeting and sits down on the other side of me before pulling some bamboo and a salad out of her backpack, followed by a sleeping Mahiko. Mahiko is a panda and isn't fully grown yet, but she's still around the size of a teddy bear. Sora has black hair and they share the same hazel eyes. She smiles at me before going into detail on her latest anime. She absolutely loves them. Kyle looks up at her before grinning at Maddie gratefully as she sits down with her tray of chicken and salad. I watch as Andrew tries to climb up onto the table and bug Sebastian. Sebastian may be a hermit crab, but he's still a decent size. His shell is a little smaller than a baseball, so he's easy to pick up. Andrew eventually gives up with a huff and goes to steal food from Maddie's tray.
I finish eating and turn my attention to Tristan. He's on the ground looking and listening. I hear a sigh of boredom from the chair beside me and see Felicia curled up with her head on her paws. Tristan noticed too. He pads over quietly and put his front legs on the chair. He looks intensely at Felicia and lets out a quiet bark. Felicia lifts her head and huffs. They just communicate with each other in their little fox language for a bit. Then Tristan does something that surprises me. He moves his head forward and touches their noses together. I mentally awe and stutter.
As if on cue, Tristan perks his ears in awareness. I look back at Sora and Mahiko, but I can feel his gaze on me. I pretend to be listening intently and nod when I find it's appropriate. I watch Mahiko munch away at her bamboo contently, tucking my sunset orange hair with natural blondish streaks behind my ear. I'm pretty sure it's because of me being a fox girl, but who knows. Tristan continues to look at me, but I'm luckily saved by the bell. I wonder what they were talking about...

Sorry that my chapters are short -_-' I kinda just wanted to introduce characters for this book before I forgot, so having nowhere else to go, I kinda just ended the chapter. On a more important note, i would like to say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my friend Sora! since you said you enjoyed the whole idea of my story, i thought i'd put you in it! also, check out her book 1,000,000 deaths. it has a great storyline. So, vote, comment, worship me. Whichever one you want, though the last ones not a bad idea ;) just joking! Maybe. Possibly. Not. I'll write to yah later, bye!

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