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You were nervous. Of course you were nervous. Who wouldn't be nervous? Anyone would be nervous if they were going to confess to the person they liked. It was a scary thing. Why were you even doing it? Oh yeah, you'd rather be prepared.

Your hands were shaking, and you hadn't even seen him yet. Great. This was perfect. You sighed. You found your phone and started playing music and dancing to it. Surprisingly it helped and you relaxed a bit. The feeling didn't last.

Yoongi knocked and you had enough time to stop dancing and look like you were just randomly blasting music before he came in, which is exactly what you did. You could see the amusement in his eyes as he walked in, instantly realizing that he knew exactly what you'd been doing. A bright blush stained your cheeks. You got up, turning off the music, and faced him.

"So... shall we go?" you asked awkwardly. Yoongi nodded. You glared at him. You could smell him internally laughing at you. The butterflies returned. You clenched your fists, trying to stop the shaking. It didn't work very well. You were terribly nervous and had no idea what to do. You tried slowing your breathing but that resulted in you gasping for breath and Yoongi staring at you like you were crazy, not that you were sure you weren't.

He took you to a coffee shop. Most of the times you went out it was very peaceful. Neither of you liked too much noise or energy, so you'd always go out to places that didn't require much movement or effort. You'd talk about anything and everything. Occasionally if you felt a bit more energetic than usual you would drag Yoongi out to do something with you.

You thought about confessing in the shop, but it didn't seem right. You were surrounded by too many people, although that did give you the advantage of not being cruelly rejected.

What were you even doing? You'd promised yourself just two weeks ago that you wouldn't make any move, but here you were, waiting for the right moment to confess. Damn, you changed your mind way too easily.

A few awkward conversations later, Yoongi took you back to his apartment. You were pretty sure he knew what you were trying to do. You probably gave it away. He didn't bring it up, but there was a curious look in his eyes, almost amused.

He told you he wanted to show you something. It was as he was taking out his laptop that you tried to tell him, but he cut you off.

"I want to show you this thing and tell you something, and then say what you want," he said. You tried to explain that it was important, but he wouldn't listen. He shushed you whenever you made a sound. Finally he pulled up whatever he was searching for, an audio file. He sat you down in front of his laptop, putting some headphones over your ears and starting it. A soft melody started playing and you were immersed in Yoongi's music world. Someone started singing. It definitely wasn't Yoongi, you knew his singing voice was shit. You looked up at him curiously, ready to ask, but he shushed you and forced you to listen.

"Is it true? Is it true?

You, you,

You're so beautiful that I'm afraid."

The voices were beautiful, as was the melody. It was professional work that could be played on the radio. You wondered why Yoongi wasn't famous yet. His composing skills were ridiculously amazing.

Suddenly you heard his voice. He didn't rap for you often. The two times he did it, you'd bothered him for the entire week and threatened to cover his entire apartment in glitter. He only did it when you actually brought in a bucket of glitter and were about to dump it on his couch and carpet. You never understood why he didn't do it right away, because his voice was amazing. You could listen to his rap all day. It was beautiful.

The song came to an end and you slowly lifted the headphones from your head. You stared at Yoongi, speechless.

"I was originally making a mixtape, but it didn't have the right feeling to it. I can't sing for the life of me, as you know, so I asked some of my friends to help out," he said, not looking into your eyes.

"That was amazing, Yoongi. It was beautiful. The song was beautiful, the lyrics were beautiful, your rap and voice were beautiful, everything was beautiful. You're a genius, Yoongi. How are you not famous yet?!" you blurted out. He laughed at your question.

"I made it for you," he told you. Your mouth dropped open and you stared.


"I like you." You stared again. Processing. Processing. Processing. Processed.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! I spent all day freaking about about confessing and now you suddenly just go and do it?" you yelled. Yoongi laughed at you. You were overjoyed that he returned your feelings, but still slightly pissed that you'd worried for so long just to not even go through with your plan.

"That's great, [Name], will you be my girlfriend then?" Yoongi asked casually. You glared at him. He had a wide smile on his face, completely betraying his joy at you liking him back.

"Yeah, sure. I guess," you muttered.

"Great. Be ready at nine tomorrow. I'm taking you out," he said. You snapped your head up.

"Wait, what?"

"I'm taking you on our first date as a couple tomorrow, okay?" He didn't give you time to respond, shoving you out the door and into your own apartment. Not that you minded. You were finally together.


the next chapter is the last (probably) 

Fight Me [Min Yoongi]Where stories live. Discover now