New Kid

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ugh i suck at titles. anyways ive changed my mind and this will be a noya x reader
yaaay *throws confetti*
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This was it. Your first day at a new school. Your first steps into Karasuno High. The building was nice, and the staff you and your mom had talked to before this day all seemed very friendly. The uniform you had received was cute, you thought, even if the skirt was a bit too short for your liking.

You walk into your first class; it was English, something you weren't particularly skilled in when you lived in America but you weren't awful at the subject. The desks are arranged in an orderly fashion, with one large table at the front, where papers were scattered across the wooden top of it. The other students were busy talking to each other, clearly knowing their friends for a while. Friendship was one of the things you were worried about, as you didn't have many when you lived in America, too.

You find an empty desk away from the chatty people and sit down, sighing. You had a feeling being alone would happen, and you had luckily packed your iPod. You reach into your backpack and pull out the small technology, plugging in your headphones and listening to your favorite song, zoning out of others' conversations.

"Alright, class!" A voice booms, somehow reaching your ears even though the volume on your iPod was high enough to block out most sounds. You put it back into your backpack and look up at the teacher, a male that only stands about 5'5" and wears a nice polo shirt under a patterned vest. His hair is neat yet messy, and a deep brown color.

You pay full attention to what he has to say. He acquaints himself, Mr. Jefferson, and talks a bit about the class. "And we also have a new student joining us today. __, would you please introduce yourself?" He looks straight at you.

Your chair moves back as you awkwardly rise, glancing around at all of the eyes that were staring at you. You talk a bit about yourself, your hobbies and whatnot, and also about your life back in the USA. The students gasp at your words about this. Mr. Jefferson thanks you, and you sit back down, listening to his lecture about the history of the language.

// timeskip to lunchtime !!

You, being the planned little student that you were, had already known that you would be sitting alone at lunch. The box that carried your food also held a book for you to pretend that you were studying while really just didn't want to look alone. You place yourself at a small table and open up your sandwich that your mom had packed you the night before and begin to eat it. After a few minutes, you finish your food and begin to read. Then, another girl, who looks the same age as you, walks over to the table and sits down across from you.

Your eyes look up from your book, which was actually quite good, and you fake a smile. Before you begin to greet yourself, she speaks cheerfully. "Hi! I'm Hatsu! Nice to meet you!" She says, a smiling expression on her face. Her hair is dyed blonde and is in two braids, each going down her shoulders. Her eyes are also dark, and her skin is pale, and her clean face has some light makeup on it.

"Hello, I'm __," You respond, mimicking the same happy face.

"Wait, you're __? As in, the new student? From America?" Hatsu exclaimed. You simply nodded. She gasped. "Sugoi! That's so cool! Wow, I've always wanted to visit there! What's it like?" She asks.

You tell her a couple stories of your previous life there. The conversation continued, changing subjects every once in a while. You two got along well, and shared a few interests, in fact.

The bell rings, announcing that this period had ended. "Oh! What class do you have now?" Hatsu questions.

You take out the schedule. "Math," You answer.

"Hey, we have the same class together! Come on, I'll show you the room," Hatsu says, leading you up to the classrooms. You knew that you two were going to become good friends.

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heyyy i think you have a new best friend :000
dont worry, noya-senpai will be in the next chapter (:

hope you're enjoying it so far !!

tough love ;; nishinoya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now