Chapter Two

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The bell rung signaling the end of the day, the paranoid blonde had been cautiously watching for Craig all day. Anytime he would spot the blue chullo he associated with his greatest fear, he'd book it in the opposite direction. Feeling somewhat relieved Tweek made his way to his locker, he quickly input his locker combination, shoved what books he didn't need in the locker and the rest in his backpack, and slammed it shut. His entire body trembled from the anxious feeling he constantly had, and his heart beat was running wild. Licking his dry pale pink lips he made his way for the back entrance of the school. Though he had been so careful all day luck was not on the blonde's side.

"Hey Tweek! Where are you goin'?!" Clyde's loud voice boomed, giving away his location. Before Tweek could run, someone grabbed him. Turning he looked up at who grabbed him, gulping down the growing dread Tweek managed to keep eye contact. The furious blue eyes seemed to soften a little as did the grip. But upon Clyde and Token approaching the grip tightened and he looked even more menacing than before. This effectively confused the smaller boy and his body began to tremble violently. "What are we going to do to him today Craig?" Clyde asked way too excited.

Craig's stomach twisted in knots. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but as mentioned he had a reputation to maintain. Besides who did this little blonde fuck think he was, avoiding him all day?! Tweek began to struggle some, fear evident on his face. Thinking of all of Tweek's mental illnesses a smirk came on Craig's face. "Why don't we do this old school today? How about the dumpster?" He grinned evily. Tweek's eyes widened. He then began to thrash violently against Craig as he was pulled into a tighter hold.

"N-no! C-c-Craig!! Please! No! H-help!!" He screamed, Tweek had to get out of this. However any hope of escape deminished when Craig lifted him up and the other two grabbed his legs. Tears began rolling down Tweek's now bright red cheeks. He was scared, he didn't want this. "Don't do this!!" He cried out, and as they neared the dumpster as they exited the back of the building Craig almost didn't. However his best friends egging him on made him go through with it.

Clyde and Token let go and opened the dumpster, Tweek was hyperventilating now. Germs, so much bacteria, so many gross things were in that dumpster. "P-please no! I'll c-catch a di-disease and die!" He cried out.

"Shut the hell up!" Clyde growled punching Tweek hard in the jaw, a satisfying crack echoing through the school way alley. Craig felt the small boy go limp and he laughed

"One hit K.O." He chuckled, picking the boy up. It as then that he noted how small and light Tweek really was. And it wasn't just that Craig towered to a shocking six foot three.

"Haha! Bury him in the trash!" Token finally spoke, and Craig complied placing the small boy in there. He then ripped open a few trash bags. He dumped the moldy wet contents onto the boy's body. Then they closed the lid.

"Craig! How dare you dump Tweek!" Clyde snorted, the raven haired male rolled his eyes and grinned.

"Oh hush. Let's go before someone catches us." Craig chuckled, all three then headed towards the student parking lot.

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