[2] Adventure Awaits

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*Laurence .POV.*

Before I go to sleep I feel a hand on my shoulder.

Its Dante.

"Hey Laurence, Can we talk" He says staring into my eyes.

"Sure, what's up" I say going into his room.

"Laurence I just wanted to ask you if you're straight" I laugh when he ask me that.

"Duh, why would you ask me that I know I'm hot and everything the question is are you straight" I ask him in a serious voice

".... of course I am I just wanted to like, can I talk to you about anything right" He says blushing

"Of course you can we are brothers, I swear"

"I just wanted to ask you if you ever like want to you know experiment with a guy" He says not even looking at me.

"Sure, I mean like I am curious, but I never actually Did it with a guy do you want to"

"Yeah all the time and of course I never did it. I like girls I just wanted to see if I was normal because you know other people would call me gay, please don't tell anyone" He

"Of course always and if you want to try out. I'm here" I say winking at him and leaving.

I think about what all happened today I just laugh my friends . Thinking about them being gay.

I hear a light knock at my door after I hear lightning

"Hey Laurance you know how I feel about storm do you think I can sleep in here tonight" Garroth says creaking in my door.

"Sure" I say scooting over so he can lay next to me.

"You w-want me to l-lay next to you" he says stuttering. "

Yeah why not we are brothers" Then I realized that we both dont wear shirts to sleep.

"But I don't have a shirt" Garroth says blushing.

"Ugh okay whatever sleep on the floor then I dont care I just want to go to sleep"

"Okay I will sleep next to you" He says as I scoot over. I feel his skin it was cold and had goose bumps.

"Are you okay Garroth" I say feeling his face.

"Y-yes I am just cold" He say facing the other way.

"Do u want some more covers or lay closer" I say pulling him towards me.

*Garroths .POV.*

I like Laurence and everything but I'm very shy. He starts pulling me closer to him.

"Garroth we are brothers its nothing serious I love you and all but I don't think of you as that"

I hate when he says I'm his brother. I don't want him to be my brother. I want to

"Garroth are you okay" Laurance said.

"Fine" He says turning away from me. I didnt know what to do. I just pulled away and seen Laurance was sleeping. So I just went to sleep as easy was that was it .

*Laurance .POV.*

When it reached 8 I woke up next to Garroth. And I seen flashing lights.

"Oh fuck" Scream Kawaii~Chan which wakes up Garroth.

"What's going on and Laurence what happens why are we in the bed together"

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