time to take a break

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2years later

Tiaundra POV
Hey y'all so yeah this past two years have been good
I had my baby her name is mckenzie august she's was born in march on the 15 her nickname is kenzie I love her to death and yannah is 3 years old now

Yasmin: where mckenzie

Tiaundra: I just breast fed her and put her to bed

Yasmin: oh

Yasmin POV
Hey people's well as you know yannah is 3 now TT had her baby and both our relationships are great but the boys have been going out a lot but I'm not gonna stress it

Yannah: yassy I'm ready to go to grwandma house

Yasmin: okay hold on *goes in the living room* I'm taking yannah to grandma house

Tiaundra: okay

They left

15minutes later

Roc comes in the house

Roc: hey baby

Tiaundra: hey where you been

Roc: don't worry about it

Tiaundra: ok I won't *goes upstairs and checks on kenzie and goes in her room*

Roc: what's wrong with you

Tiaundra: I think we should take a break I got to much to think about

Roc: take a break why tf would you wanna take a break

Tiaundra: because I gotta child I need to worry about and I don't need two people to worry about

Roc: nobody's telling you to worry about me

Tiaundra: well that's what I'm supposed to do that's what you call love but you probably forgot

Roc: why yo ass say that I loved yo ass ever sense

Tiaundra: don't talk to me like that...ever sense kenzie was born and that was two fuckin years ago yo ass been out and about all night you don't even spend time with your daughter plus I call your phone all those nights you don't pick up

Roc: you right...let's take a break..I'll just go over one of my hoe's house and stay there

Tiaundra: one of your hoe's? Back tf up so Im one of your hoe's

Roc: nah you my main

Tiaundra: *laughs* well not no more get ya shit and get out

Roc: man fuck this shit *goes upstairs and packs his clothes and leaves*

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