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It's been two days that I didn't visit the cafe. I have a lazy ass, people. And I feel really tired right now.

"Hoshi! Glad you came," Dokyeom greeted me with his usual smile. I missed those. "Yeah. Sorry I did not come here, I was just tired." I excused.
"It's okay, really. So, what do we want today?" He said. "Oh, the usual."
"Coming right up!" I smiled, and waited for my order in my favorite spot.

"You seem really busy thinking something sir," Dokyeom's voice came, which surprised me. "You shocked me man."

"Sorry. Oh, by the way, I have something to talk to you about. Very important. Let's talk after my break, yeah? It'll be around 3."

I nodded and he proceeded in working. I waited for him, playing with my phone or what so. I watched as the clock tick any second. And finally it reached 3.

"Come," I said while patting the space.

"Yesterday, I told you about Mingyu and Jihoon right?" Dokyoem started.
I nodded in response.

"Well, I asked Mingyu about it and he said they were okay again they cuddled to death."

I just nodded but I felt sad. Really sad. "Hey, it's okay. Just wait and you'll really find the one for you."

"You're really comforting Dokyeom. Can I ask for your number so that I can contact you whenever I want help?" I asked and he nodded. I fished my phone out and gave it to him and he typed down his number.

Dokyeom :)

"That's my number. Call or text me whenever you need help okay?"
I nodded in response and went home.

Please wait a little bit for the SoonHoon moments 😄😉

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