OYE!!How im doing today well...

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Today i'm sick DX.I puked today like twice i think so yeah...the first time was when Naomie was taking me to school and i puked in the car IT WAS NASTY AND GROSS.The second time was when Naomie took me home and when we got there and then like 5 mins later BAM i ran to the toilet and i puked(ik ur all saying "ewwww!!" but hey its wut happend)And then i sat down on the couch and fell asleep and woke up around 8:30 so i got up and started to watch on the ipad and got bored so i watched "Little Big Shots" with Naomie and then she went outside with my baby sis then i went on minecraft and recorded me saying "I'M A PERSON YES I AM!!!" XD and i was skyping some of my friends.Thennnn i got off and came to my bedroom and tried to call astrid but she didn't answer cuz she was calling sunia  so called my other friends back and now i'm writing all this so yeah!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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